Newsletter – October 26th

October 25, 2023

Welcome to the 8th Grade Homeroom newsletter!

In each newsletter this year, I am going to ask you to pray a specific prayer for your child. Our class prays everyday for others, including you parents, so I would like to invite you to pray for specific parts of your child’s school year.
The prayer for this week is: Pray for their contentment in all circumstances.
We live in a fast-paced society where styles and preferences change on a dime. Our middle schoolers struggle to be still and to disconnect from electronics. Pray that God will help them find time to really explore the beauty of God’s earth and to take time to find out who they are without the influence of social media. “I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.” Philippians 4:12.

Our school theme is “Connected” with our verse of “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.“–John 15:1-5.
Chapel offerings will go to Christmas Families for 2nd quarter. Please encourage your child to bring offering each week. It is a good way for them to remember the blessings they have and to share those blessings with others. “Whoever oppresses a poor man insults his Maker, but he who is generous to the needy honors him.” Proverbs 14:31.

Chick-fil-a Night – Join us on Thursday, October 26th from 4:00-9:00 pm at Chick-fil-a (Oak Park Mall location) to raise money for the school.

Fall Sports Uniforms – Please return your child’s soccer or volleyball uniforms as soon as possible. Uniforms must be washed and clean when returned.

Fall Shirt Day – Students can wear fall colors or October t-shirts with uniform bottoms on Tuesday, October 31st, to celebrate Reformation Day.  No Halloween t-shirts! 

SMNW Tour – Shawnee Mission Northwest High School is offering a Parochial Schools Information and Tour on Tuesday, November 7th from 8 am to 9 am. Any 8th grade student enrolled in a parochial school can attend with a parent. No registration required. Please park on the east side of the building and check in at the school’s main office. Contact Lisa Jones at 913-993-7230 for more information

Operation Christmas Child – Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes are available at the school entrance. Shoeboxes are filled with toys, hygiene products, and other items that boys and girls from around the world need. An informational brochure was sent home in last week’s Thursday envelope. We are hoping to donate 200 boxes from our Hope students this year. Filled boxes need to be brought to school by Wednesday, November 8th so they can be blessed during Chapel before they are shipped.

Veteran’s Day Program – On Friday, November 10th, Hope students will present a program for military veterans and their families. The program will begin at 1:30 pm in the Family Life Center.

Washington DC Scholarship – WorldStrides is a proud supporter SYTA Youth Foundation whose mission is to connect youth with the resources required to travel that will inspire them to be confident, connected and globally responsible citizens.  Every year SYTA offers the Roads Scholarship to help students who otherwise may not have the resources to make educational travel happen. The application period has opened and it is simple- you can nominate a student or a group.  Awards are up to $1,000 per individual or $5,000 per group.  Guidelines, FAQ  and the nomination form are available here: The deadline for applications is November 10th.

High School Shadow DaysA reminder from the Middle School Policy Guide that was sent home at the beginning of the year:
“8th Grade students will be allowed to take up to four “Shadow Days” during the school year to attend potential high schools – one Shadow Day per quarter.  Parents must notify the school of an upcoming Shadow Day at least one week in advance, otherwise the absence will be considered unexcused.  Students are responsible for getting assignments prior to the Shadow Day.” Thank you for your cooperation.


November 1 – Memory test on Nicene Creed – All


  • Students should be keeping all tests and quizzes to help them study for finals in December.
  • Per our handbook policy on page 14, on most days, students will be expected to go outside for recess.  If the following conditions exist, the students will not be taken out except to get a few minutes of fresh air:
  • The temperature is 15 degrees F (-13 C) or below.  The wind chill index is 0 (-18 C) or below.  
  • There is significant falling moisture.
  • Teachers may take their classes out briefly for fresh air at their discretion.
  • Students must have a jacket/coat to go outside to recess if the temperature is 50 degrees or below; hoodies are good for Middle School Students if it is 50 degrees or warmer. 

This Week’s Events:

  • Thursday, October 26 – Chick-fil-a Night
  • Friday, October 27 – Trunk or Treat 5:30-7:00

Important Dates:

  • Tuesday, October 31 – Wear a fall shirt with uniform bottoms
  • Friday, November 3 – All Pro Dad’s meeting
  • Saturday, November 4 – PAHS Auction
  • Wednesday, November 8 – Operation Christmas Child boxes due
  • Friday, November 10 – Veteran’s Day Program
  • Wednesday, November 15 – Quarter Midterm
  • November 22-24 – No School/Thanksgiving Break
Newsletter – May 16th

Newsletter – May 16th

Our school theme is “Connected” with our verse of “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.“–John 15:1-5.Chapel offerings for 4th quarter will go to the Guatemala...

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