Newsletter – Aug. 23

August 30, 2023

Our school theme is “Connected” with our verse of “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.“–John 15:1-5.

Thursday envelopes – Please sign the envelope, and return it to school each week.

Chapel offerings will go to LeadaChild for 1st quarter.  

Field Trips – We have two field trips coming up. Our first field trip is September 19. The 7th and 8th graders will be going to Garnett, KS to tour an Ethanol plant and the Anderson County Historical Museum, and Harrison House. We have received a grant to pay for a bus. The second field trip is at Timber Ridge on September 26. Permission forms and health waivers are being sent home in your students’ Thursday envelope, 8/24, both forms are due back by Tuesday. Sept. 5. We need parent drivers for the Timber Ridge field trip on September 26. Parent chaperones are welcome, if you decide to chaperone, the school will send home a waiver for you to fill out. Also, if you plan on driving, make sure you have a current background check and DL copy in the office.

E-Sports – Rocket League Esports Tournament – Friday, August 25 from 4:45 pm – 6:15 pm. Registration will be in the Family Life Center commons area. Gaming equipment will be provided. For questions: email Mrs. Stava.

Volleyball tournament – This Saturday, 8/26, we are hosting the 5th/6th preseason volleyball tournament. During this tournament, the 8th graders will have a concession stand and bake sale going on to raise money for their D.C. field trip later this year. Please come out and support your lady lions and 8th graders.

MAP Testing – Make sure the student gets a good night’s sleep and eats a filling breakfast

  • Wed. Sept. 6 – Reading
  • Fri. Sept 8 – Math
  • Mon. Sept. 11 – Science
  • Wed. Sept. 13 – Language

If you have any questions feel free to email me at any point, I will get back to you within 24 hours. If you need to talk to me in person, please email me so we can set up a day and time to meet.


September 1

September 8th

September 15th

September 21st

September 29th


9/4 – No school

9/6 – Reading MAP Test

9/7 – Pep Rally at 2:10

9/8 – Math MAP Test

9/9 – Hope Lutheran 40th Bash

9/11 – Science MAP

9/13 – Language MAP

9/19 – Ethanol plant and the Anderson County Historical Museum

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