Newsletter Dec. 14 – Jan. 3

December 13, 2023

Don’t forget, Tuesday, December 12th, we will be visiting Shawnee stores to shop for the Stony Point students. Also, We are down to 8.5 days left before Christmas break and the start of the 3rd semester, make sure your students are reviewing for their finals since finals are worth 20% of their grade.

Our school theme is “Connected” with our verse of “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.“–John 15:1-5.

Chapel offerings – Will go to Christmas Families. Please encourage your student to bring an offering.

Jingle Grams – sold Dec. 11-15 from 7:45-8:30 am – cost $1 each

Holiday ShopWe are proud to announce that we have chosen The Kids’ Choice® Gift Shop for our Children’s Holiday Gift Store this year. The Kids’ Choice® Gift Shop will allow your children to shop for high-quality gifts for friends and family in the secure atmosphere of our school. The Kids’ Choice® Gift Shop program allows our children to make real-life shopping decisions…plus they learn that giving is as important as receiving. Gift items start at less than $1.00, with most in the $1.00 to $5.00 range. We are sending this notice home now for two reasons:
1. To give those children who would prefer to purchase gifts with their own money enough time to earn that money through chores, etc.
2. To ask for volunteer parents and/or grandparents to help us run the shop. If you are interested in helping, please call the school.
7th grade will do their shopping on Friday, December 15th.

Special Dress-upWe will have special dress-up days for the week of December 18th – 20th

Monday 12/18 – Wear Ugly Christmas Sweaters with uniform bottoms

Tuesday 12/19 – Wear Christmas PJ’s

Wednesday 12/20 – Wear Christmas t-shirt & Socks with uniform bottom

Christmas Program – Our annual Christmas program will be on Tuesday, December 19th at 6:30 pm in the sanctuary.  Students need to be at school by 6:15 pm and will meet in Concord Hall.  Band and Choir students should wear white shirts and black pants/skirts.  Students with speaking parts should wear their Christmas best (no jeans).  This is a required event. All students have a speaking part, and a Religion grade will be given for participation in the program. After the program, students will meet parents back in Concord Hall for a cookie reception.

Spaghetti Dinners – The 8th grade will serve spaghetti dinner with dessert before the Christmas programs on today, Thursday, December 14th and Tuesday, December 19th.  Dinner will begin at 5:00 pm so everyone can get their children to the classrooms on time.  Bring your entire family and relax with your HLS family as you prepare to celebrate our Savior’s birth at the Christmas program.  A free-will offering will be accepted.  All proceeds will go toward the 2024 Washington, D.C. trip.  More details about the menu will come home in Thursday folders.

CHRISTMAS COOKIES NEEDEDAfter Christmas programs, we have Christmas cookies for everyone. Please sign up to donate cookies for December 14th and 19th:

Hot Chocolate – Hot chocolate will be sold Dec. 19 from 7:45-8:30 am – regular $1, with marshmallow $2, supreme (candy cane & marshmallow) $3.

In Search Of – Connect 4 games for a National Lutheran Schools Week activity in January.  If you have one that our class could borrow, please send it to school.  We need 7 games for the activity.  Thank you!

Last day of school – Wednesday, December 20, is our last day before Christmas break. This day is a half day, and has a lot of activities for the students. One activity we will be doing is an all school sing-a-long. The sing-a-long will take place at 9:30 in the church sanctuary, I hope to see you there.

Class Party details – We will be doing a hot chocolate bar with sweet and healthy snacks. We will also play some games and win prizes. If your student has gifts for an individual student or students please have them exchange presents outside of school.

Chromebooks – Make sure your student is charging their laptops every night. Students are unable to charge their Chromebooks while at school, so it is important they are charging them while at home.

Candy Policy – Please make sure that your student is not bringing any candy for lunch or a snack.

Religion – Make sure your student is bringing their Bibles and Luther’s Small Catechism to school.

Tests/Quizzes – Make sure your student is holding onto their tests and quizzes for each class, they are good study tools for the finals in December.

Per our handbook policy on page 14, on most days, students will be expected to go outside for recess.  If the following conditions exist, the students will not be taken out except to get a few minutes of fresh air:

  • The temperature is 15 degrees F (-13 C) or below.  The wind chill index is 0 (-18 C) or below.  
  • There is significant falling moisture.
  • Teachers may take their classes out briefly for fresh air at their discretion.
  • Students must have a jacket/coat to go outside to recess if the temperature is 50 degrees or below; hoodies are good for Middle School Students if it is 50 degrees or warmer. 



12/20 – Half day of School and class party

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