Month: February 2024


Week of 5/2 – 5/8

We are almost done with Chapter 12 about the Fall of the Roman Empire. Next week, we should finish Chapter 12 on Monday (5/6), we will review on Tuesday (5/7), and take the Chapter 12 test on Thursday (5/9). After the students finish their test on Thursday, they will...

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Week of 5/2 – 5/8

We are getting ready for our final on 5/16. In order to do this, we have started working on one of our three reviews. We will go through the reviews as a class and spend time on questions that students are not sure about.

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Newsletter 5/2

Today is our last MAP test of the year. In 2 weeks the 7th grade will take their finals. Our school theme is “Connected” with our verse of “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you...

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Newsletter April 25

Please make sure your student is getting a good nights rest and a good breakfast each morning, starting Monday 4/29 we will begin MAP testing and students can earn extra credit if their scores improve. Our school theme is “Connected” with our verse of “I am the vine;...

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Week of 4/25 – 5/1

Friday we will finish Chapters 9 and 10. Due to MAP testing and the Science Fair going on during the week, we will skip taking a unit test, and start preparing for our Final.

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Week of 4/24-5/1

We are continuing learning about the decline of Rome. We should finish reading Chapter 12 next week and take our test on Rome's fall after that.

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