Newsletter March 28

March 27, 2024

Congratulations to Noree who got tied 34th out of the 12 7th grade classes that took part in the Math League Contest.

Our school theme is “Connected” with our verse of “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.“–John 15:1-5.

Chapel offerings – Will go to the Guatemala mission trip. Please encourage your student to bring an offering.

Tri-Fold BoardsStudents need to purchase their Science Fair tri-fold boards from the office.  Boards are $6 each and come in colors: red, blue, yellow, and green.  Colors are available on a first come, first served basis.  Boards must be purchased by next Friday.

Science Fair Boards – Mrs. Cook, a 7th grade parent, has volunteered to help the students use Canva to create their boards for the Science Fair.  She will be coming to class to work with students who are interested in using this process.  She is also volunteering to help students print their Canva design at the Olathe, Indian Creek Library on Thursday, April 25th.  A letter with details about this opportunity was sent home last week. Please return that letter with your decision marked by April 15th.

Spring Play – Mrs. McIntosh will be our drama coach for our 7th/8th grade Spring Play.  Rehearsals will be during school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:15-4:00 pm. The spring play is called The Pony Expresso and will be performed on April 18 at 4:30 pm and 7:00 pm. There will be a dinner in between the two performances. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Mcintosh at

Olympic Day – Lutheran High School will be hosting their annual Olympic Day on Thursday, April 25th. Your child’s permission slip needs to be returned ASAP.  If your child is choosing not to attend, it will be counted as an unexcused absence.  A hamburger lunch is available to participants for $3.00 and must be ordered before we go. Money for the lunch should be brought to school by April 22nd.  We are still in need of drivers, so if you are available to drive for Olympic Day, please make sure to let me know.

Read-a-thon – Hope is getting ready to kick-off our Read-a-thon fundraiser next week!  Read-a-thon makes it easy, fun, and rewarding to practice reading at home and at school.  Friends and family support your child’s reading efforts by making a donation to their personal Read-a-thon page.  In your child’s Thursday envelope is an instruction sheet on how to create your child’s account, how to share it with friends and family, and how to log reading minutes online.  This fundraising event will be used to raise money for new computers and Chromebooks for our students and staff.  The 7th grade class is raising money to purchase 6 Chromebooks.
Use this link to watch our class’s progress:
Use this link to set up your child’s page: 3215667
Use this code to set up your child’s page: 3215667

Read-A-Thon Days

Washington Trip – We have rescheduled the parent meeting about the 8th Grade Washington DC Trip 2025 to Tuesday, April 9th at 5:30 pm in the Science Room. Please add this date to your calendars as we will share information about the trip, cost, and fundraising. Mrs. Eckhoff will bring her photo books of past trips for you to view.

Faith In Action – On Tuesday, April 16th, students in grades 4-8 will be going to Harvesters to help pack boxes of food as a servant event.  We will be taking buses to Harvesters.  Students should wear Hope spirit hoodie, jeans, and tennis shoes.  We will eat lunch in our classrooms when we return, so students will need to bring a sack lunch.  A permission form is being sent home in your child’s Thursday envelope and needs to be returned by April 9th.

Movie Night – Student Council is hosting an outdoor movie night on Friday, April 12th in the school parking lot.  They will be showing the movie “Migration” starting at 8:30 pm.  It is a free event, you just need to bring your lawn chairs!

Chromebooks – Make sure your student is charging their laptops every night. Students are unable to charge their Chromebooks while at school, so it is important they are charging them while at home.

Candy Policy – Please make sure that your student is not bringing any candy for lunch or a snack.

Religion – Make sure your student is bringing their Bibles and Luther’s Small Catechism to school.

Tests/Quizzes – Make sure your student is holding onto their tests and quizzes for each class, they are good study tools for the finals in May.

Per our handbook policy on page 14, on most days, students will be expected to go outside for recess.  If the following conditions exist, the students will not be taken out except to get a few minutes of fresh air:

  • The temperature is 15 degrees F (-13 C) or below.  The wind chill index is 0 (-18 C) or below.  
  • There is significant falling moisture.
  • Teachers may take their classes out briefly for fresh air at their discretion.
  • Students must have a jacket/coat to go outside to recess if the temperature is 50 degrees or below; hoodies are good for Middle School Students if it is 50 degrees or warmer. 

4/5 – Isaiah 40:27-31
4/12 – Isaiah 43:1-3
4/19 – Isaiah 61:1-3


3/29 – Good Friday (No School)

4/1 – Easter Monday (No School)

4/5 – All Pro Dad’s Meeting

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