Middle School Scoop September 12

September 11, 2024

Welcome to the 7th and 8th Grade Scoop. This is where you will find information for both 7th and 8th Grade. At the bottom of this newsletter is where you will find the 7th and 8th Grade homeroom newsletter.

Our school theme is “Endure” with our verse of “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.“–Hebrews 12: 1-3.

PTL Meeting

Monday 9/17 there will be a PTL meeting in the cafeteria at 5:30. If you would like to stay up to date with upcoming school activities and volunteering opportunities, come to this meeting. As an incentive, the school is offering homework passes to the students of the parents that go to the meeting.

Parent-Teacher Conferences 

Mandatory parent-teacher conferences will be held Thursday afternoon, September 19th, and all day Friday, September 20th. Conferences will be about 20 to 30 minutes each. Please see the sign-up genius below to sign up. Conferences for 7th and 8th graders are with all middle school teachers. Your student will receive their Thursday folder the day of their conference.


Attendance Reminders
As we get the school year underway, we understand that students may be sick and miss school. As per the Parent and Student Handbook, the following rules and laws are set in place to help each child succeed at their grade level.

2.3.5 Kansas Law 72-1113 states that if a child is unexcused or unverified day from school for 3 consecutive days, 5 days in a semester or 7 days in a year then they are considered truant. There are  six (6) approved reasons for students to be excused from school. The reasons are as follows: Personal illness. (Doctor/Dental/Medical appointments) The school may, with notice to the parent, require verification from a physician of absences due to reasons of health. Serious illness or death of a member of the family. Obligatory religious observances of the student’s own faith. Emergency situation requiring immediate action. Participation school-sponsored activity. An absence that has been requested in writing and approved in advance by the principal.

2.3.7 After a student has received 5 unexcused tardies per semester, they will be marked with 1 day absent.  Five unexcused tardies = 1 day absent.

2.3.8 The failure of a student to attend at least 85% of all days per semester may result in a failing grade and/or retention in the student’s current grade at year’s end.  Excessive absences, whether excused or unexcused, prevent the student from receiving beneficial instruction from the teacher.  (20 days absent will result in retention or summer school if applicable.) Exceptions may be made for a prolonged physician-diagnosed illness with completion of academic requirements at home. At 10 days absent, a parent-teacher conference will be held with the principal to set up a plan for success. 

Timber Ridge

Our first field trip of the year is coming up on Tuesday, September 24th. If parents are attending, please specify to the homeroom teacher if you are participating in events; you will need to fill out a form if you participate as well.


If you have not joined yet, please join Hope Lutheran – 7th or 8th Grade groups.

Fall Carnival
The fall carnival is coming up this Saturday, September 14th. The 7th and 8th graders have come up with two carnival games, and will be running them during the carnival. 8th graders help out with tickets, concessions, and selling honey. Please make sure that your student brings the materials they signed up for by tomorrow.

Chapel Offering

Please send your child with chapel offering every Wednesday. The chapel offering for first quarter is supporting LUMA. Use this link to learn more! https://www.lumakc.org/

This Week’s Events:

  • Thursday, September 12 – Science Test (Red and Gold)
  • Friday, September 13 – Math Test (F.O.A.1)
  • Tuesday, September 17 – U.S. History test (Red and Gold)

Important Dates:

Saturday, September 14 – Carnival & Pie Auction

Monday, September 16 – PTL Annual Open Meeting – 5:30 pm 

September 19 – 20 – Mandatory Parent Teacher Conferences

Thursday, September 19 – Early Dismissal – Noon

Friday, September 20 – No School

Thursday, September 26 – Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night

Middle School Scoop 2/20

The dodgeball tournament for Friday 2/21 has been cancelled until further notice. Geography Bee The school geography bee will be on Wednesday, February 26th.  3rd Quarter Chapel Offering  Our 3rd quarter offering will be going toward LCC K-9 Comfort...

Middle School Scoop 2/13

Save the date-- The middle school teachers are planning a 6th-8th grade research trip to the Central Resource Library on the afternoon of February 14 (tomorrow). We will be using print resources to research topics based on the country their classroom is studying for...