While we have 1 more week left before Christmas break, there is a lot going on. Please remember that next week is the week of finals. Also, on Friday, Dec. 19, Hope has its annual Christmas program. We have a couple 8th graders with speaking parts, the rest of the 8th graders will be working behind the scenes, greeting, ushering, and passing out cookies. Therefore, the 8th graders that don’t have a costume, will wear all black.
Stony Point – The 6th graders will be wrapping the gifts the 8th graders bough on Tuesday, that way on Friday, December 13, we can deliver the presents to the Stony Point students. We will be celebrating with the Stony Point students from 10:00am – 11:00am, if you volunteered to drive, please check you email for more information.
D.C. Fundraiser –
No updates as of yet.
Eligibility – Make sure your student has at least a 75% so they can be eligible for extracurricular activities include all athletic, Spring Play, and non-athletic school sponsored clubs. Band, Chess Club, and Lego Club are excluded from eligibility requirements.
12/16 – Luke 2:1-4
12/18 – Luke 2:5-8