8th grade Newsletter 1/16

January 15, 2025

I’m glad to see everyone back and no longer heavily effected by the snow. It always amazes me how much growing takes place over Christmas break, not just physically, but also in maturity. I allowed the 8th graders to choose their own spots for math class, most of the students did an excellent job of finding classmates that they work well with.

D.C. Fundraiser –

No new info.

Eligibility – Eligibility will start the week of January 27, make sure your student has at least a 75% so they can be eligible for extracurricular activities include all athletic, Spring Play, and non-athletic school sponsored clubs. Band, Chess Club, and Lego Club are excluded from eligibility requirements.


January 22 – #995 Acts 2:38-39 (p.288) “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.”

8th Grade Newsletter 2/20

I hope everyone had a safe and fun 5 day weekend. Please stay warm during these cold temperatures. D.C. Fundraiser - Parents of 8th graders, The Paula Miller Spades Tournament will be held at Hope on Feb. 22. There are several opportunities to volunteer and raise...

8th Grade Newsletter 2/13

D.C. Fundraiser - Parents of 8th graders, The Paula Miller Spades Tournament will be held at Hope on Feb. 22. There are several opportunities to volunteer and raise money for the D.C. trip. Please click on the link to the Sign-Up Genius and put your and your child's...