Newsletter Nov. 9

November 8, 2023

Tomorrow, Friday, November 10 is our Veterans Day program. Please make sure your student wears a polo, uniform bottoms, and no crazy socks.

Our school theme is “Connected” with our verse of “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.“–John 15:1-5.

Chapel offerings – Will go to Christmas Families. Please encourage your student to bring an offering.

Veterans Day program – Tomorrow, Friday, November 10, military veterans are invited to join us for a special program in their honor. The program begins at 1:30 pm in the church sanctuary. This program is for our students to honor our veterans and active duty in our community; it is NOT a parent program unless they are military.

Christmas families – This will mark our 30th year of offering the love of Christ through the outpouring of food and clothing to those less fortunate during the Christmas season.   With your generosity, we have successfully given for many years to those in need.   We are asking for you to consider joining us in making it another successful season for four families that we at Hope Lutheran School have adopted during this season of Christmas.

Each week, students will be asked to bring in specific items for the families. I am challenging the 7th grade class to donate items to earn extra recess time. If we have at least 7 students bring in items on the donation day, the class will earn 5 minutes of extra recess.

  • Thursday,  November 9 – BREAKFAST DAY – 1 box of cereal (prefer Cheerios, Rice Krispies, Honey Bunches of Oats)
  • Tuesday, November 14 – CANNED ITEM DAY – 1 item: jar of spaghetti sauce, salsa, canned chicken, ravioli, baked beans, beef stew
  • Thursday, November 16 – BOXED/BAG ITEM DAY – 1 item: rice, mac & cheese, crackers, pasta noodles, Hamburger Helper, boxed pizza mix, Rice a Roni, etc.
  • Tuesday, November 21 – TOILET PAPER DAY – 1 package of 2-ply toilet paper
  • Tuesday, November 28 – DETERGENT DAY – 1 item: dishwasher detergent or laundry detergent (fragrance-free and clear)
  • Nov. 30-Dec. 13 – GIFT CARD DAYS – gift cards from Price Chopper, Target, Walmart, or Aldi (please write the amount on the card)

Culver’s Night – Nov. 13 from 11:00am-9:00 pm at the Lenexa location – you must present a flier when ordering.

Non-uniform day – Thursday, November 16 – $2 to participate/ $1 for hat – Students not participating need to wear normal uniform clothes.

Skate Party – Tuesday, November 21 from 6-8 pm at Skate City

Chromebooks – Make sure your student is charging their laptops every night. Students are unable to charge their Chromebooks while at school, so it is important they are charging them while at home.

Candy Policy – Please make sure that your student is not bringing any candy for lunch or a snack.

Religion – Make sure your student is bringing their Bibles and Luther’s Small Catechism to school.

Tests/Quizzes – Make sure your student is holding onto their tests and quizzes for each class, they are good study tools for the finals in December.

Per our handbook policy on page 14, on most days, students will be expected to go outside for recess.  If the following conditions exist, the students will not be taken out except to get a few minutes of fresh air:

  • The temperature is 15 degrees F (-13 C) or below.  The wind chill index is 0 (-18 C) or below.  
  • There is significant falling moisture.
  • Teachers may take their classes out briefly for fresh air at their discretion.
  • Students must have a jacket/coat to go outside to recess if the temperature is 50 degrees or below; hoodies are good for Middle School Students if it is 50 degrees or warmer. 


November 9:

November 17:

December 1:


11/10 – Veterans Day Program (1:30pm)

11/21 – Full day of school

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