Upcoming Half Days and No School
February 5th is a half-day dismissal. Middle school will be dismissed at noon.
February 17th there is no school.
Open House
Hope will host an open house on February 6th from 6 – 7 pm. We would love to see you in attendance to see about next year. Spread the word!
3rd Quarter Chapel Offering
Our 3rd quarter offering will be going toward LCC K-9 Comfort Dogs. Launched in August 2008, the LCC K-9 Comfort Dogs are a bridge for compassionate ministry, opening doors for conversation about faith and creating opportunities to share the mercy, compassion, presence and proclamation of Jesus Christ. So far we have collected $106.88.
Save the date– The middle school teachers are planning a 6th-8th grade research trip to the Central Resource Library on the afternoon of February 14. We will be using print resources to research topics based on the country their classroom is studying for the International Fair. We will need parent drivers for that trip. Parents do not have to stay all afternoon but can drop off and pick up later if it works better for their schedules. A permission slip will be coming soon.
This Week’s Events:
- Wednesday, February 5th – 100th Day of School
- Wednesday, February 5th – 1/2 Day
- Thursday, February 6th – Winter Sports Pictures
- Thursday, February 6th – Mid-Terms
- Thursday, February 6th – Open House 6-7pm
Important Dates:
February 17 – Presidents’ Day – No School
February 25 – Step Up Day
March 9 – 14 – National Lutheran Schools Week
March 14 – Grandparents Day, Half Day
March 17 – 21 – Spring Break