

Earth Science Sept. 26

We have finished going over Chapter 3 Lesson 2 Monday. Today, the students are going to start on their homemade geode. Students will be using the eggshell that they brought in to grow sugar crystals on the eggshell to make it look like a geode. Next week, we will...

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World History 9/26

We are finishing up Chapter 5 Lesson 1 about Ancient Egypt today. Next week, the students will begin reading about Chapter 5 Lesson 2. After we finish reading Lesson 2, we will begin our first project. Students will be researching a topic, and creating a 3D scene to...

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World History 9/19

This week, the students have been reading about Mesopotamia, and Hammurabi's Code. Today we are taking our test on Chapter 4. Next week, we will begin our Egypt chapter, which is the country 6th grade is studying for their International Fair.

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Earth Science Sept. 19

The students have jumped from their into to Science chapter to Chapter 3 about minerals. Monday 9/16 some 6th graders were given butterflies to tag and release, when our next set of caterpillars hatch, the rest of the 6th graders will be able to tag and release them....

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World History 9/12

This week we started learning about Mesopotamia, and the Sumerians. We will be doing a 9/11 memorial lesson today for class. Next week, the students will finish up Chapter 4, and take a test on it.

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World History September 5

This week has been a little crazy, we lost two of our class periods, Monday because of no school, and Tuesday because of M.A.P. testing. Today we will be getting back into the swing of things, by beginning to read Chapter 4 Lesson 1 about the Sumerians. We should...

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