Earth Science


Earth Science 10/3

This week in earth science, we made an egg geode, those will be sent home today in a plastic bag. We have also finished Chapter 3 about minerals. Today we are studying for our test on Monday, please make sure that your student is studying a little each day over the...

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Earth Science Sept. 26

We have finished going over Chapter 3 Lesson 2 Monday. Today, the students are going to start on their homemade geode. Students will be using the eggshell that they brought in to grow sugar crystals on the eggshell to make it look like a geode. Next week, we will...

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Earth Science Sept. 19

The students have jumped from their into to Science chapter to Chapter 3 about minerals. Monday 9/16 some 6th graders were given butterflies to tag and release, when our next set of caterpillars hatch, the rest of the 6th graders will be able to tag and release them....

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