This week we have finished our diary entries, and have been assigned to groups based on their topic for the diary. In these groups, the students have started researching more about their topics. They will begin their outlines and their rough draft of their paper today...
World History 10/17
The subs the past week and a half have left good reports about the students! Today the students will work in groups combining their research about their diary entry. The students will have today and next week to write a 1 page repot, cite their sources, and work on a...
World History 10/10
The students will now be starting their Egypt Project, students will be given time in class to work on this, they may need materials from home for their 3D model. We will be working on these next week along with their reports, and will present their reports/models the...
World History 10/3
This week we continued reading about Ancient Egypt. Today they are receiving instructions about our first World History project. The students will be split into groups, each group will chose a topic to research, this can include daily life, temples,...
World History 9/26
We are finishing up Chapter 5 Lesson 1 about Ancient Egypt today. Next week, the students will begin reading about Chapter 5 Lesson 2. After we finish reading Lesson 2, we will begin our first project. Students will be researching a topic, and creating a 3D scene to...
World History 9/19
This week, the students have been reading about Mesopotamia, and Hammurabi's Code. Today we are taking our test on Chapter 4. Next week, we will begin our Egypt chapter, which is the country 6th grade is studying for their International Fair.