Month: September 2024


Newsletter Week of 3/31-4/4

Newsletter Week of 3/31-4/4

Mite Box Collection Extended! We encourage all students at Hope Lutheran School to fill their Mite Box and bring it to chapel on April 2nd. Serve-a-thon Our 5th graders will be driving to Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church in Olathe to help with beautification indoors...

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Memory Week of 3/31-4/4

Memory Week of 3/31-4/4

Due Tuesday:  The Conclusion pg. 22 “For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen. What does this mean? This means that I should be certain that these petitions are pleasing to our Father in heaven, and are heard by Him; for He Himself...

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Spelling Week of 3/31-4/4

Spelling Week of 3/31-4/4

1. graph 2. graphics 3. bibliography 4. homograph 5. seismograph 6. graphite 7. monograph 8. holograph 9. topograph 10. television 11. telecast 12. telepathy 13. telephoto 14. telemetry 15. televise 16. microbiology 17. microcosm 18. microchip 19. microbe 20....

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Spelling Week of 03/24-03/28

Spelling Week of 03/24-03/28

1. subway 2. subset 3. submarine 4. substitute 5. submerse 6. subconscious 7. subordinate 8. subsidiary 9. subsequent 10. subdivision 11. supermarket 12. supervision 13. supervisor 14. superstar 15. supersonic 16. superlative 17. supersede 18. supernova 19. superior...

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Newsletter Week of 03/24-03/28

Newsletter Week of 03/24-03/28

BizTown: This will be such a great experience for our 5th grade class to learn about Kansas City's economy and their place as a citizen. We are preparing by learning about various things in our classroom, such as writing checks, earning and saving money, and more! Our...

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Memory Week of 03/24-03/28

Memory Week of 03/24-03/28

Due Tuesday:  The Sixth Petition pg. 22 “the devil, the world, and our sinful nature may not deceive us or mislead us into false belief, despair, and other great shame and vice. Although we are attacked by these things, we pray that we may finally overcome them and...

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