5th Grade Newsletter Week of 11/4-11/8

October 30, 2024

Report Cards: Your student’s report card is came home in the Thursday envelopes last week. You will keep the report card. Please sign and return the envelope to confirm that you have received the report card.

Trunk-or-Treat: It was so fun to see everybody having a great time showing off their costumes and collecting candy!

Hope’s Heroes Auction and Costume Party –  Parents Auction for Hope School (PAHS) is on Saturday, November 9. Two free tickets were given to your child to use for the student raffle happening in the lobby up until Friday, November 8th. Your child has the opportunity to earn more tickets for the raffle with amazing behavior around school.

Math: We have begun our division skills in chapter 4 this week. We are being extra careful with all the steps it takes to divide, and noticing the various patterns with division. Please, feel free to have your child work on their math facts at home on 99math.com!

Reading: We are currently read Bud, Not Buddy, which is a novel about a young orphan boy living in the Great Depression on a mission to find his dad.

Writing: We started our third personal narratives. Our class is responding to a prompt to share a dream they want to achieve in their life. This can range from a career goal to visiting all 50 states. We are excited to share our dreams we have with each other when we finish the writing process!

Social Studies: We will begin learning about the various regions of the United States, and our next chapter focuses on the Northeast (New England States). Each section will give us a good overview of the states within this region.

Norway: Our class has looked into the fashion, famous people, and vacation spots of Norway this week. We learned that their traditional clothing, a bunad, is based on old folk clothing from the farming society.

Memory Week of 3/10-3/14

Memory Week of 3/10-3/14

Due Tuesday: The Sixth Petition pg. 22 “And lead us not into temptation. What does this mean? God tempts no one. We pray in this petition that God would guard and keep us so that the devil, the world,” Due Friday: None- Happy NLSW!

Newsletter Week of 3/10-3/14

Newsletter Week of 3/10-3/14

BOOK FAIR WILL BE OPEN DURING THE FOLLOWING TIMES Sunday, March 9th- 9-11 amMonday, March 10th - 8-9 am 5th Grade visits 9:30-10:00amTuesday, March 11th - 11 - noon, 4 - 5 pmWednesday, March 12th - 3-4pmThursday, March 13th- 12-3pmFriday,...