Month: October 2024


Memory Week of 11/25-12/6

Memory Week of 11/25-12/6

Due 11/26 Christmas Program Parts Due 11/29 None! Happy Thanksgiving! Due 12/3 “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his...

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Spelling Week of 11/25-12/6

Spelling Week of 11/25-12/6

11/25-11/26 No Spelling! Happy Thanksgiving! 12/2-12/6 Spelling during our novel The Angel Tree will include 10 words from the book and a sentence that includes a few of the words. crucial  clomping absolutely supposed stalling weightlessness rippling essential...

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5th Grade News Week of 11/18-11/22

5th Grade News Week of 11/18-11/22

Missing Assignment Policy  A “missing” assignment is any assignment (homework, in-class work, or project) that has not been turned in when asked for by the teacher on the due date.  Missing assignments do not include missing work from a student who had...

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Memory Week of 11/18-11/22

Memory Week of 11/18-11/22

Due Tuesday: “For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body, in Christ, and individually members one of another.” Romans 12:4-5 Due Friday: The Close of the Commandments pg. 15 “What does...

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Spelling Week of 11/18-11/22

Spelling Week of 11/18-11/22

Spelling during our novel The Angel Tree will include 10 words from the book and a sentence that includes a few of the words. mysterious eavesdropping baffled favor accurately simply decision shadow involving pretended I was simply baffled by the mysterious shadow...

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5th Grade News Week of 11/11-11/15

5th Grade News Week of 11/11-11/15

Hope’s Heroes Auction and Costume Party –  Parents Auction for Hope School (PAHS) is on Saturday, November 9. Two free tickets were given to your child to use for the student raffle happening in the lobby up until Friday, November 8th. Your...

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