
March 5, 2025

Chapel: Pastor Mueller led us in chapel today, as it’s an important day in the church year. Ash Wednesday begins our countdown to Easter in 40 days (excluding Sundays). Ash Wednesday is all about remembering from where we came; God breathed life into the dust of the earth and created Adam. After the fall of sin, the earth was cursed, and we were in need of a savior. We all had the option to receive the sign of the cross on our foreheads or hands from palm ashes during the service. Isaiah 2 reminds us that our dirty sin will be white as snow because we have been made clean by Jesus’ sacrifice as He overcame sin, death, and the power of the devil!

Grandparents Day: We look forward to sharing presentations, food, and crafts with our grandparents on March 14. The Scholastic Book Fair will be open, too! We will have an early dismissal that day.

Church Service 3/9: 3rd-7th Grade choir are to meet in the Luther Room at 10:15 to practice before the service begins at 10:30.

Book Fair: Students who wish to purchase their own books will have an opportunity to shop at the fair. They can bring their money on Monday, March 10, and will have a scheduled time that week to visit the fair with their class.

MOVING OUT: Following Grandparents Day, we will be moving things out of the classrooms to get ready for new carpet! Please come help to move the things in the fifth grade classroom to one side, as the carpet will be started one day, the stuff will get moved to the other side, and then it will be finished the following day. We start moving things at 12pm!

Mite Boxes Please save your loose change and help to fill your child’s mite box, which will be given as a special offering on Wednesday, March 26th. Please allow your child to participate in this mission project. Thank you!

Verse to Remember: Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord:though your sins are like scarlet,they shall be as white as snow;though they are red like crimson,they shall become like wool. Isaiah 2:18

Coming Up:
March 7  End of 3rd Quarter, Early Dismissal
March 9  Daylight Savings Time
All choirs sing at Hope
1st-2nd choir will sing at the 8:00 service.
3rd-5th and 6th-7th choir will sing at the 10:30 service.
Band will play during the Bible Class hour at 9:15.
March 9-14 National Lutheran Schools Week
March 14  Grandparents Day with Early Dismissal (Moving Out for new carpet after dismissal)
March 17-21 Spring Break



Chapel: Mrs. Schkade led our chapel today in reference to Psalm 96, Psalm 1, and Jeremiah 17. All of these bible passages refer to trees, which are everywhere throughout God's Word! We see trees grown to give shade to Jonah, a tree to allow Zacchaeus to see Jesus,...



100 Days of School! Today, we celebrated our 100th day of school with various activities as a whole school. What a blessing it is to know that we have had 100 days of endurance, learning, growing, and maturing this school year. May God bless the remainder of our...