Report Cards: Please return the signed envelopes that your child’s report card was in by this Friday.
Math: We tested our skills of adding and subtracting fractions. We are not learning how to multiply fractions and mixed numbers. Please, feel free to have your child work on their math facts at home on! They especially need to be focusing on their multiplication and division skills for the remainder of the year, as those are necessary in their future math lessons.
Reading: We are reading our next novel this week, Indian in the Cupboard. It is a fantasy book about a boy, Omri, who receives a plastic figurine of an Indian from his friend as a birthday gift. He is not thrilled about this gift at first, but the magic of his grandmother’s key and a cupboard from an alley changes his mind.
Writing: We have been working diligently on our research paper using the skills we have practiced during our informational writing unit. We are going to be writing our research papers of Norway. We first have to construct our paragraphs to include topic sentences, supporting details, and concluding sentences. These research papers will be at the International Fair this April.
Social Studies: Our next region we are diving into this week is the Southeast. This region includes Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee. We have the opportunity to learn about each state’s history, economy, environment, culture, important places, and important people. Our test for the states and capitals is Wednesday, February 12.
Below is the exact resource I will be using. The maps will be labeled with a number, and the students will write the State and Capital that matches the location on the map. It would be a great resource to print for studying and preparing for the test for each region. When we move on to the next region, we will start with a pretest, and if a student gets 94% or higher on the pretest, then they will not be required to take the final test at the end of the region’s unit. When a student takes the post test for the region, the higher of the two scores will remain in the gradebook.
Technology: Since students become more independent with their learning, and taking more ownership of their organization of school, Mrs. Stava is helping to expose students to proper email use and skills. She has taught us that emails must be productive and meaningful. We discussed the importance of spelling and grammar, and professionalism. We learned the fields in which they will be using, such as the recipient, subject, greeting, body text, closing, and signature. We will be practicing these skills this week.