

Memory Week of 2/10-2/14

Memory Week of 2/10-2/14

Due Tuesday: The Second Petition pg. 20 “How does God’s kingdom come? God’s kingdom comes when our heavenly Father gives us His Holy Spirit, so that by His grace we believe His holy Word and lead godly lives here in time and there in eternity.” Due Friday: “For our...

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Spelling Week of 2/10-2/14

1. character 2. sarcasm 3. cliffhanger 4. simile 5. innocent 6. chasm 7. alighted 8. rapture 9. myriad 10. stereotype 11. irony 12. tense 13. partition 14. raucous 15. irritable 16. descend 17. foreshadow 18. embedded 19. apprehension 20....

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Newsletter Week of 2/10-2/14

Newsletter Week of 2/10-2/14

Math: We tested our skills of adding and subtracting fractions. We are now learning how to multiply fractions and mixed numbers. Please, feel free to have your child work on their math facts at home on 99math.com! They especially need to be focusing on their...

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Spelling Week of 2/3-2/7

Spelling Week of 2/3-2/7

1. chaos 2. compost 3. compromise 4. gaped 5. infinite 6. panic 7. petrified 8. spit 9. wince 10. apparition 11. doleful 12. fragment 13. microscopic 14. ornery 15. whinny 16. danger 17. searched 18. ridge 19. puzzled 20....

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Memory Week of 2/3-2/7

Memory Week of 2/3-2/7

Due Tuesday: The Second Petition pg. 20 “Thy kingdom come. What does this mean? The kingdom of God certainly comes by itself without our prayer, but we pray in this petition that it may come to us also.” Due Friday: “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved...

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Newsletter Week of 2/3-2/7

Newsletter Week of 2/3-2/7

Report Cards: Please return the signed envelopes that your child's report card was in by this Friday. Math: We tested our skills of adding and subtracting fractions. We are not learning how to multiply fractions and mixed numbers. Please, feel free to have your child...

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