

Memory Week of 10/28-11/1

Memory Week of 10/28-11/1

Due Tuesday: The Ninth Commandment and its meaning p. 15 “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. What does this mean? We should fear and love God so that we do not scheme to get our neighbor’s inheritance or house, or get it in a way which only appears right, but...

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5th Grade Newsletter Week of 10/28-11/1

5th Grade Newsletter Week of 10/28-11/1

Report Cards: Your student’s report card is coming home in the Thursday envelopes this week. Report cards will be in a white envelope. You will keep the report card. Please sign and return the envelope to confirm that you have received the report card. Trunk-or-Treat:...

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Spelling Week of 10/28-11/1

Spelling Week of 10/28-11/1

1. logical 2. inoffensive 3. irrational 4. probable 5. legal 6. adequate 7. offensive 8. irreplaceable 9. inaccurate 10. illogical 11. accurate 12. impassable 13. inadequate 14. mobile 15. improbable 16. rational 17. illegal 18. passable 19. replaceable 20....

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Spelling Week of 10/21-10/25

Spelling Week of 10/21-10/25

1. armada 2. conserve 3. guitar 4. proportion 5. internal 6. category 7. vertical 8. partition 9. conform 10. guardian 11. external 12. cardinal 13. excursions 14. injury 15. majority 16. turbulent 17. quarter 18. harmony 19. vertex 20....

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Memory Week of 10/21-10/25

Memory Week of 10/21-10/25

Due Tuesday: The Eighth Commandment and its meaning p. 14 “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor. What does this mean? We should fear and love God so that we do not tell lies about our neighbor, betray him, slander him, or hurt his reputation, but...

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5th Grade Newsletter Week of 10/21-10/25

5th Grade Newsletter Week of 10/21-10/25

Norway: We have been researching about Norway and giving it meaning to us. Each student is putting together their own research booklet, and we have so far looked at a map with major cities, and located Norway on a map of the world. We now know that Norway is in...

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