4-6 School Scoop


The 4-6 School Scoop lets you connect with our late elementary teachers and keeps you informed with what’s going on in fourth, fifth, and sixth grade at Hope.



Chapel: Pastor Mueller led us in chapel today, as it’s an important day in the church year. Ash Wednesday begins our countdown to Easter in 40 days (excluding Sundays). Ash Wednesday is all about remembering from where we came; God breathed life into the dust of the...

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Chapel: Mrs. Schkade led our chapel today in reference to Psalm 96, Psalm 1, and Jeremiah 17. All of these bible passages refer to trees, which are everywhere throughout God's Word! We see trees grown to give shade to Jonah, a tree to allow Zacchaeus to see Jesus,...

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100 Days of School! Today, we celebrated our 100th day of school with various activities as a whole school. What a blessing it is to know that we have had 100 days of endurance, learning, growing, and maturing this school year. May God bless the remainder of our...

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Miss Mondary led our chapel today about signs. The scripture reading was about John the Baptist telling the people three times that he is not the Christ, and that he is not even worthy of untying Christ's shoes. God gave signs, or directions, to the Old Testament...

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Pastor Mueller led our chapel message teaching us the meaning of each verse in the advent hymn “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.” We learned that Jesus brings wisdom, he is our teacher, showing us the way to go. He came from the family tree of Jesse, and frees us from Satan....

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Pastor Mueller led chapel with a reading about being able to have joy in all that we do, including our hard work. He knew a janitor from his middle school days that would say the phrase, “here we are at the beach once more.” He would use this phrase when he was doing...

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