

Spelling Week of 9/30-10/04

Spelling Week of 9/30-10/04

1. agent 2. recent 3. apex 4. vital 5. rotate 6. musical 7. donut 8. solar 9. vacation 10. slogan 11. malice 12. recommend 13. energetic 14. register 15. lavish 16. topical 17. enemy 18. honest 19. element20. minimum

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spelling week of 9/23-9/27

spelling week of 9/23-9/27

1.  improvise 2.  evaporate 3.  remote 4.  obsolete 5.  evacuate 6.  centigrade 7.  elevate 8.  negotiate 9.  excavate 10.  intervene 11.  devastate 12.  liberate 13.  schedule 14.  prosecute...

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Spelling week of 9/9-9/13

Spelling week of 9/9-9/13

1.  advisable 2.  noticeable 3.  workable 4.  credible 5.  forcible 6.  available 7.  combustible 8.  justifiable 9.  accountable 10.  considerable 11.  allowable 12.  perishable 13.  edible 14. ...

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Spelling Week of 9/2-9/6

Spelling Week of 9/2-9/6

approach zeal zealous committee treachery typhoon marshmallow bayonet realm embroider royalty concealment cowardice leukemia treasury flounder allowance proclaim nautical gauntlet

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Spelling week of 8/26-8/30

meteorology photocopy ecology geometric synchronize parameter chronology symbiotic photogenic geography symmetry geocentric chronological odometer chronic photocell biosphere speedometer geology photon

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