

Earth Science

Earth Science

Chapter 6 is in the books and grades have been posted on RenWeb. Students have also had a personal consultation with me about their science fair experiment to help clarify exactly what they are doing. Students should be actively working on this project. They should be...

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Earth Science

Earth Science

Tuesday we will take our chapter 6 test. Students will need to have their extra credit review page completed on Monday. Students also need to turn in their experiment plan for the science fair on Monday. This assignment requires a parent signature so that I know they...

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Earth Science

Earth Science

It has taken us a while, but we have completed lesson 1 on erosion and deposition. We will now be moving onto how wind and water are continually shaping our land and leaving behind geographic beauty. My best guess at this time is that we will take our chapter 6 test...

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Earth Science

Earth Science

We are studying erosion and deposition. As material is weathered into smaller pieces or sanded smooth by wind and water, these smaller particles are carried away through several means. Erosion is the process that carries away these pieces. Deposition is the process...

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Earth Science

Earth Science

Happy New Year! We have had a bit of a slow start to this quarter with a snow day and upcoming day off for MLK, Jr. This week we began our study of erosion and will continue this next week. We also started looking at our spring all school science fair. On Thursday,...

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Earth Science

Earth Science

Merry Christmas! We have finished our chapter on weathering and soil with our test last week. This week we worked on a lab further exploring weathering. We also made a delicious "dirt" treat while reviewing the horizons as we layered the ingredients. Grades that are...

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