

Life Science

Life Science

We are continuing to study the different systems of organisms. This chapter we have focused on the skeletal or structural system, circulatory/respiratory systems and the excretory system. We have found that they are quite different among the different type of...

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Life Science

Life Science

We have begun our chapter on support, control, and movement. We will be exploring differences in animals with the different structures that they have and how this allows them to move in many different ways. We will also be looking at circulation and the different ways...

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Life Science

Life Science

Chapter 11 tests have been graded and will be returned in their Thursday envelopes. Make sure to save old tests for the semester final in May. We will begin chapter 12 next week but before we begin this, we will dissect the worm. This will be the first of three...

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Life Science

Life Science

This week we are studying the phylum chordata. This includes all vertebrates and those animals with a notocord but no true vertebral column. This phylum has the most classes that we will spend time studying. We have looked at three classes of fish, amphibians,...

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Life Science

Life Science

It's a new semester and the students are excited about animals. They have even asked to which phyla lice belong. The answer is Arthropoda. They are in the class Insecta. I did some additional research and learned there are 4 subclasses of lice and they are divided by...

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Life Science

Life Science

Christmas break is upon us. The students did very well on their science final. As we wrap up the first semester and the year 2024, we can reflect on the many blessings that we have received. I love biology and what we have been studying because it shows what a...

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