Earth Science


Earth Science

Earth Science

This week we went over our chapter 6 test and broke open geodes. The students enjoyed wielding hammers and seeing the surprise inside the rocks. I pray that your family has a restful and blessed Christmas break. Next semester, we will begin our study on plate...

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Earth Science

Earth Science

We have finished our chapter on erosion and deposition. On Tuesday we reviewed for our test and played a Kahoot as part of our review. Grades will be posted later Thursday night and this will be the last grades for the quarter. We will spend some time doing...

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Earth Science

Earth Science

This week we have been studying erosion. We have looked at how wind and water carry away sediment and deposit it in different locations to create different landforms. We also learned how streams begin near the higher elevations, become larger and faster as the slope...

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Earth Science

Earth Science

This week the students took their chapter 5 test. We will begin chapter 6 on Thursday. We will be learning about erosion and deposition. Now that the rocks have weathered, now different forces are going to carry them to new locations and deposit them. In the process,...

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Earth Science

Earth Science

This week we reviewed for the chapter 4 test on Monday and took the test on Tuesday. Tests will be sent home in the Thursday folders. On Thursday, we will do an online lab identifying rocks into the three different categories using what we have learned about...

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Earth Science

Earth Science

This week we have finished up our study of the three types of rocks and the rock cycle. We will end the week with a work day on our extra credit review. This is due on Monday. We will then review for the test and the students will take their test over this chapter on...

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