Physical Science


Physical Science

Physical Science

This week we are finishing our study of Newton's three laws of motion. We will also be looking at a lab on momentum and how that corresponds to Newton's laws. We will review next Monday, Oct 16 and they will take their test on Tuesday. This weekend, students should be...

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Physical Science

Physical Science

This week we have been working on Newton's Laws of Motion. We specifically looked at the first and second laws. We spent time studying inertia and unbalanced forces. We also spent time on Thursday working on some math associated with Newton's Second Law and also...

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Physical Science

Physical Science

This week we reviewed for and took our test on motion. Grades are on RenWeb (as of Wednesday evening). We will be starting our next chapter on Thursday and will be learning about Newton's 3 laws of motion. Students will need to have their vocabulary note cards...

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Physical Science

Physical Science

This week we finished our discussion on velocity and acceleration. Students are realizing that math is used in more than just math class -- and I am not too sure they are happy about this. We finished the chapter content on Wednesday. We will review on Monday and will...

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Physical Science

Physical Science

This week we have been looking at speed and velocity. We did a virtual lab on the relationship between vertical and horizontal motion. They learned that the force of gravity is the same no matter the horizontal velocity. The time it took for the ball to hit the ground...

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Physical Science

Physical Science

This week we began our study of chapter 1. We have been looking at motion and describing the act of moving and giving directions. We have learned that having a reference point is necessary to accurately describe where something is located. A concrete example of this...

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