Hope Lions Physical Education K-8

Procedures & Expectations

Students coming in for P.E. will enter and exit by the stage doors. 

C= Conversation level will be at 0 in the halls and waiting to enter and exit the GYM.

H=Help in the locker room, try combination 3 times before asking for help

A= Activity, we will be active!

M= Movement, there will be plenty of movement!

P=100% Participation

S= Success, all students doing what is expected

Bring to class:

  • Water bottle
  • Tennis Shoes
  • P.E. uniform
  • Drawstring bag
  • *If a student fails to dress out, they must bring their computer to class to write a report about today’s activity during class to receive 5 out of 10 points. 

4th grade to 8th grade Grading

10 points per class

  • 5 points for P.E. dressing out
  • 5 points for  Listening and Participating in lesson plan activities
  • Absent Make-ups: Students will write a paragraph about a Physical Activity they have done in the week they missed class. Can be a sport or any activity that requires being physical.

There will be written tests over the sports we learn about and play. 10 points per test.

Locker room Procedures: CHAMPS voice level is 0 in the hall and 1 in the locker room.

Stand on the spots and wait for your turn, fill up water bottles from the back of the line while waiting. Once get dressed come out and stand on spots that are open.

H=help with combination, try 3 times then come to teacher for help or combination.

Kindergarten to 3rd grade Grading

Grades will be deemed satisfactory or unsatisfactory based on the students’ listening and participation achievement each class. Tennis shoes will be required for total points for the day.

Bathroom Rules

  • Only one boy and one girl can go to the bathroom at a time
  • Ask the teacher first, if given permission, write your name and the time on the marker board. When you return to class, erase your name from the board and the next student may go.


P.E. Rules!

  1. Come to class prepared and with a positive attitude
  2. Follow all directions and safety rules at all times
  3. Treat all teachers and classmates with respect
  4. Only use the equipment when you have permission 
  5. Smile, have fun, and do YOUR best! 

Welcome to PE! My name is Phil Hickman but you can call me “Coach”. I am excited about the upcoming year and look forward to working with each of you! The class theme is Making Disciples for Life”. Hopefully in PE we will help guide you to become a Disciple of Christ along the way.  The goal is not to be the best, the goal is to do your best!

Coach Hickman


Physical Education, Hope Lutheran School