Newsletter- September 9th -13th

September 4, 2024

It was a busy short week! What a blessing to have an extra day with family! We worked very hard at doing our best during our MAP testing this week! We found our short week and adjusted schedule to be a challenge, but we still did our best! Fourth graders are learning to be accountable and responsible for their own school work and actions, which often can be learned with some “tough love.” Thank you for encouraging and supporting your child during this process. These lessons are some of the most crucial for becoming independent, capable, compassionate leaders and life-long learners! Be sure your child has the Autobiography Poster completed and turned in on Friday, September 13th. All posters for students running for Student Council are due on Friday, September 6th. Those students running for Class Representative must turn in their speeches to the classroom teacher on September 6th for approval. All other speeches must be turned in to the principal on the 6th for approval. Our Chapter 1 Math Test will be on Monday, September 16th. Please sign up for our up-coming mandatory Parent / Teacher Conference. Conferences will be held on September 19th and 20th. Use the link below to find our 4th Grade sign up sheet. Looking to Jesus, Mrs. Begley

Spelling For February 24th – 28th

Spelling For February 24th – 28th

Spelling List - Feb. 24th - 28th  Suffixes -able, -ible valuable * lovable * favorable * understandable * excitable *  sizable * comfortable * measurable * tolerable * excusable * horrible *  sensible * divisible * gullible * responsible * ...

Memory For February 25th & 27th

Memory For February 25th & 27th

Tuesday, February 25th  Meaning of the Second Article pg. 17 (Say the whole Meaning of the 2nd Article.) “that I may be His own and live under Him in His kingdom and serve Him in everlasting righteousness, innocence, and blessedness, just as He is risen from the dead,...