
November 6, 2024

The 7th grade led us in our chapel today and presented a skit about Martin Luther’s courage at the Diet of Worms.  Martin was asked to recant all of his writings, including the 95 Theses.  Luther refused to go against his conscience and did not take any of it back knowing that he was teaching according to God’s Word.  Luther stood up for the words found in  Romans 3 : 19 – 28 that teaches, “But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law…through faith in Christ Jesus for all who believe.”  May we all be willing to stand up for Jesus and live boldly by God’s Word!

We’re getting excited about the Hope Hero auction. Tomorrow is Hero Day, so dress as a favorite hero!  The auction doors open at 4:00 this Saturday, and the fun begins!  See you there!

We are preparing for our Veterans’ Day program, which is designed to serve and honor our veterans. Parents and Grandparents, we ask that you refrain from attending unless you are a veteran. Thank you for your understanding.

A flier was sent home last week about our “Christmas Families” donations. We will have our first collection day on Tuesday, November 12th, which is Bean and Fruit Day.  Students in grades 4 – 8 are asked to bring 1 item: a jar of canned peaches, mandarin oranges, or pears (unsweetened or lite.) Thank you for serving the Lord in this way!

Verse to remember:Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” -Joshua 1:9

Coming up:

Nov. 8 –  All Pro Dads
Nov. 11 –  Veterans Day breakfast and K-8 program, 8:30 AM in Concord Hall Nov. 13 – Operation Christmas Child – boxes to be returned and blessed at chapel
Nov. 20 –  Spelling Bee

Please “Save the Date” for these two important events:

December 17 K-8 choirs and band performances at Crown Center December 19 K – 8 Christmas Program   



Chapel- Pastor Mueller led the chapel service, and he began by comparing two Bible events.  The first one was found in Nehemiah in which Ezra was reading the Book of the Law to the Israelites. The second one was when Jesus read in the synagogue in his hometown of...



12/11/24 Sixth graders led our chapel message teaching us to cast our anxieties on Jesus.  Because Jesus loves us so much, He desires to carry our burdens for us and wants to protect and provide for us.  The students performed two skits to show how much Jesus loves us...