Newsletter For November 18th – 22nd

November 13, 2024

Thank you for supporting the PAHS Auction this past weekend! The funds raised will be able to complete many projects for the benefit of our school families and students!

Reading/ Spelling- We have begun reading Because of Winn Dixie by Kate DiCamillo. We will continue working on the novel vocabulary by having a Review List of a selection of the novel words we have had for the past two weeks. We will have our Pretest on Monday, a Dictation Test on Wednesday, and a Retake Test on Friday.

Special Book Report – Each 4th grader will be doing a character study of one of the main characters in our current novel Because of Winn-Dixie. The materials needed will be sent home in your child’s binder soon to be completed at home. We will be taking notes as we read in class to be used to complete the project. These notes will also be kept in the binder. The project due date is: Monday, November 25th for presentations to the class.

MIdterm Progress Reports are being sent in the Thursday Folders this week. Thank you for encouraging your child to focus on school work and to continue to stay focused during the fall sports and holiday activities!

Special Christmas Craft Supplies needed– Please begin saving clean, empty toilet paper tubes for a special craft we will be making for Christmas. Each 4th grader will need 7 clean tubes and a empty shoe box by the first week of December to complete the project. Ask your relatives to save them during the Thanksgiving break to collect them even sooner! We will want to start the project as soon as we return to school in December. Thank you so much for helping us out!

Christmas Program Parts will be assigned and passed out next week. Students are asked to study their parts for reciting the week after Thanksgiving. Our 1st – 8th gradeChristmas Program wil be performed on Thursday, December 19th at 6:30 PM. Put this date on your calendar!

Book-It Please continue recording your child’s minutes of reading outside of school. Be sure you and your child sign the completed calendar. Your child will receive a coupon for a Personal Pan Pizza from Pizza Hut for meeting the 600-minute monthly goal! be coming home in the Thursday folder to be completed and returned by Friday, December 6th.

CHRISTMAS FAMILIES – We are once-again collecting food, household goods, clothing, and gift cards for those less fortunate during the Christmas season. The 2nd collection day will be Tuesday, November 19th. Each 4th grader is asked to bring a jar of peanut butter or jam.

Operation Christmas Child – Pastor blessed our shoeboxes during chapel this week. There are still a few boxes available to be picked up by the office. These boxes are to be filled and returned to the school or can be brought to church this Sunday. These gift boxes will be sent out to children all around the world to share the love of Jesus with them in a very meaningful way!

Prayer Cards for Emmanuel in Asheville, North Carolina were created by Hope’s students. This week we will be sending them out to students who have been and are still dealing with the affects of the recent hurricanes, flooding, and power outages. We are keeping them in our prayers and also wanted to send personal notes of encouragement.

Missing Assignment Policy 

“missing” assignment is any assignment (homework, in-class work, or project) that has not been turned in when asked for by the teacher on the due date.  Missing assignments do not include missing work from a student who had an excused absence, as they receive 2 extra days per day they were absent in order to complete work they missed.

All missing assignments will receive a 10% deduction for each day it is missing, with a maximum late work deduction of 50%. After 2 weeks of missing, the assignment will receive 0% in RenWeb. Keep in mind that RenWeb treats assignments entered as missing as a zero, so they drastically hurt the student’s overall grade. 

Parents will be contacted by RenWeb when their child receives an “M”. Students will also receive a print out of any missing assignments listed from RenWeb on Thursdays, to go home in their envelopes.

If a student accrues multiple missing assignments from all their classes collectively, he/she will be removed from specials and electives and/or may be asked to stay for mandatory study hall until the work is completed and turned in. The importance of students completing their assignments at Hope is a priority over other extracurricular activities, both athletic as well as non-athletic. We value teaching our students to care about their academics and encourage them to strive to reach their full potential so that they will soar when they leave for high school and beyond!

Thank you for all you do!

Spelling For February 24th – 28th

Spelling For February 24th – 28th

Spelling List - Feb. 24th - 28th  Suffixes -able, -ible valuable * lovable * favorable * understandable * excitable *  sizable * comfortable * measurable * tolerable * excusable * horrible *  sensible * divisible * gullible * responsible * ...

Memory For February 25th & 27th

Memory For February 25th & 27th

Tuesday, February 25th  Meaning of the Second Article pg. 17 (Say the whole Meaning of the 2nd Article.) “that I may be His own and live under Him in His kingdom and serve Him in everlasting righteousness, innocence, and blessedness, just as He is risen from the dead,...