Newsletter For January 27th – 31st

January 22, 2025

Thank you for your time and insights at our Parent/Teacher Conference. It was nice to visit with you and share your child’s triumphs and hurdles and work together on our vision for this semester! The fourth graders and I are amazed at how fast January is flying by! We are completing a study of Martin Luther King, Jr. and were able to enjoy watching a movie about his life with our third grade friends. We are looking forward to some warmer temperatures so we can play outside and get some sunshine and fresh air! Be sure to send the appropriate outdoor gear so we can get outside whenever the temperatures permit! Thank you!

Cross-Curricular Project – International Fair

We are diving deeper into our study of France and prepare for the International Fair on April 29th! The students are creating a Mindcraft world to highlight some of the landmarks and buildings in France! A special pat on the back goes to Bennett and Owen for their ingenuity and experience in planning it out! We will be researching and writing a paper together in class. If you have any artifacts, souvenirs, experiences, etc. from France that you could share with us, please contact the teacher! More information will be coming about our plans and projects!

Reading/ Spelling- This week we will be completing our study of the novel The Family Under the Bridge by Natalie Savage Carlson. We are having some interesting discussions about our story characters and some of the famous landmarks in Paris. We will take our second Vocabulary Test on Tuesday, January 28th. Please go over the Vocabulary with your child using the novel study workbook pages 16, 17, 20 & 21. We will be covering the vocabulary words from last week’s Spelling List. We will also have a final comprehension test over our novel on Friday, January 31st.

 Spelling/ Vocabulary List for Jan. 27th – 31st Words with Silent Letters

glisten * sword * subtle * wreckage * wrestle * 

align * salmon * autumn * aisle * doubt *

heir * mortgage * debris * corps * asthma * 

gourmet * tongue *ballet * condemn * yolk * 

Craft Supplies still needed-   We will still be needing wrapping paper tubes and paper towel tubes and will accept aluminum foil tubes, plastic wrap tubes, or carpet cardboard tubes for a project for 2nd semester.  Thank you for holding on to these items and sending them to school as soon as it is convenient for you – just, don’t throw them away! Thank you!


Tuesday, January 28th-  1st & 2nd Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1st & 2nd Peter, 1st, 2nd, & 3rd John, Jude, Revelation

Thursday, January 30th- New Testament Books

Tuesday, February 4th-  66 Books of the Bible

Multiplication Memorization

We are going over the Multiplication Tables of 0 – 12 this quarter. Please practice the tables using flash cards, computer games, etc. so that your child can increase in speed and accuracy. We will be taking multiplication tests over each of the tables at the beginning next week. Your child will need to know each fact and answer in 2-3 seconds and will need to get a score of at least 100% to pass each timed test and move on to the next one. Students will be working to earn a special treat for passing each of the tests. Please prepare your child to answer the multiplication tables of 5 – 6 for next week so that your child may test out of those tables. We will test on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Valentine’s Day Party

We will be having our Valentine’s Day Party on Friday, February 14th from 2:30 – 3:20 pm. Please be sure your child has a Valentine for each student in the class. A list of student names is being sent home in the Thursday Folder to be used when addressing Valentine’s. Please do not send a Valentine’s box this year because will be decorating bags in the classroom for our Valentine’s mail. Please contact our room mothers Sarah Guild and Jill Griest if you would like to help out with games, treats, etc. Thank you!

Book-It Please continue recording your child’s minutes of reading outside of school. Be sure you and your child sign the completed calendar. Your child will receive a coupon for a Personal Pan Pizza from Pizza Hut for meeting the 600-minute monthly goal! The January calendar was sent home last week in the Thursday folder to be completed and returned by Friday, February 7th.

February 5100th Day of School! Early Dismissal Teacher In-service

February 6 – Open House (6 – 7 pm)

February 14 – Valentine’s Day Party – 2:30 – 3:20

Spelling For February 24th – 28th

Spelling For February 24th – 28th

Spelling List - Feb. 24th - 28th  Suffixes -able, -ible valuable * lovable * favorable * understandable * excitable *  sizable * comfortable * measurable * tolerable * excusable * horrible *  sensible * divisible * gullible * responsible * ...

Memory For February 25th & 27th

Memory For February 25th & 27th

Tuesday, February 25th  Meaning of the Second Article pg. 17 (Say the whole Meaning of the 2nd Article.) “that I may be His own and live under Him in His kingdom and serve Him in everlasting righteousness, innocence, and blessedness, just as He is risen from the dead,...