Chapel- Pastor Mueller led the chapel service, and he began by comparing two Bible events. The first one was found in Nehemiah in which Ezra was reading the Book of the Law to the Israelites. The second one was when Jesus read in the synagogue in his hometown of Nazareth. The people of Nehemiah’s time were sad and repentant of their sins after hearing the law read to them. The people of Nazareth who heard Jesus read the Scriptures were indignant and led Jesus to the top of a hill to throw him over!. Jesus passed through the crowd, but would later lay down His life for all who repent of their sins and believe in Him as their Lord and Savior. Pastor reminded us that Jesus “prunes away the branches, when the branches get too high. He gives us food in season, and His love will never die, and that’s why we’re bananas for the Lord!”
Verse to remember: Philippians 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord, always; and again I will say, rejoice.”
Coming up:
Feb. 4 Kindergarten Round-Up
Feb. 5 Teacher In-Service Early Dismissal (Extended Care Provided)
Feb. 6 Winter Sports Pictures
Feb. 6 Open-House 6 pm-7 pm- Come and see what your child will be learning in the next grade at Hope!
Feb. 7 6th grade field trip
Feb. 14 Middle school field trip
Feb. 17 Presidents’ Day- No School
March 9 – 12 – National Lutheran Schools Week
March 14 Grandparents Day, Early Dismissal
March 17 – 21 – Spring Break