Newsletter For March 3rd – 7th

February 26, 2025

Your Help is Wanted!

We are in need of Student Ushers for the up-coming Lenten services. Ash Wednesday is this Wednesday, March 5th. We will be having the imposition of ashes during our Wednesday chapel service. The next week we will be needing ushers for the after-school 4:00 p.m. service. We will serve from 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. We have 4 opportunities to serve and would like to see as many students involved as possible. Thank you!

Student Ushers – The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday and continues up until Easter. 3rd-4th grades have been asked to help with handing out service folders and ushering for the 4:00 Wednesday Lenten Services beginning on March 12th. This is an opportunity for the students to be involved in a way that they enjoy and can be of service to the congregation that supports our school in so many ways. Student helpers can stay with me after school, and I will accompany them to the sanctuary until after the service. Please use this Sign-Up Genius to indicate which service(s) your child could be available to serve. Your child is not expected to serve every week, but please indicate any/all weeks that it would be possible.  Lenten student usher sign-up

Mite Boxes are coming home in this week’s Thursday Folder. Please save your loose change and start filling your child’s mite box, which will be given as a special offering on Wednesday, March 26th. Please allow your child to participate in this mission project. Thank you!

Cross-Curricular Project – International Fair

We will be learning to dance the minuet and will be wearing berets (black for boys and red for girsl) and scarves that will be purchased for the students. We would like the fourth graders to be ready to dress in white button shirts or blouses with black pants for the boys and red skirts for the girls. If anyone would like to coordinate this effort, please let the teacher know.

Reading/ Spelling- This week we will begin reading Hate That Cat by Sharon Creech and will continue our poetry unit. Your child will be completing a novel study workbook in the next two weeks. We will also be taking a Final Comprehension Test over the novel. We will be taking the test before Spring Break.

Spelling List – March 3rd – 7th Greek and Latin Roots

automobile * automatic * autopilot * automation * autocracy *

autonomous * autoimmune * transparent * transit * transfer *

transaction * transect * transform * amphibian * amphitheater *

amphibious * antidote * antiseptic * antimatter * antibiotic


Tuesday, March 4th

The Third Article pg. 17-18 “In the same way He calls, gathers, enlightens, and sanctifies the whole Christian church on earth, and keeps it with Jesus Christ in the one true faith. In this Christian church He daily and richly forgives all my sins and the sins of all believers. On the Last Day He will raise me and all the dead, and give eternal life to me and all believers in Christ. This is most certainly true.”

Thursday, March 6th

The Introduction pg. 19-20 “Our Father who art in heaven. What does this mean? With these words God tenderly invites us to believe that He is our true Father and that we are His true children, so that with all boldness and confidence we may ask Him as dear children ask their dear father.”

Multiplication Memorization

We are still going over the Multiplication Tables of 0 – 12 this quarter. Please practice the tables using flash cards, computer games, etc. so that your child can increase in speed and accuracy. Students will be working to earn a special treat for passing each of the tests. Please prepare your child to answer the multiplication tables of 9 – 12 for next week so that your child may test out of those tables. We will test on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. We should be done with the tables by the end of March.

BookIT The February calendar is to be completed and returned by Friday, March 7th. Our LAST MONTH of BOOK-IT will be March! The calendar is in this week’s Thursday Folder.

Coming up:

March 7 – End of 3rd Quarter   – EARLY DISMISSAL                                                                                                                             

March 9 – 12 – National Lutheran Schools Week

March 14 – Grandparents Day – EARLY DISMISSAL / New Classroom Carpet Installation! Please consider helping with moving classroom furniture after our EARLY DISMISSAL. Thank You!

March 17 – 21 – Spring Break

Sunday, March 9th– 9-11 am
Monday, March 10th – 8-9 am
Tuesday, March 11th – 11 – noon, 4 – 5 pm – 4th Grade will visit the Book Fair from 11:00 – 11:30 on Tuesday, March 11th. Please send money for purchases.
Wednesday, March 12th – 3-4pm
Thursday, March 13th– 12-3pm
Friday, March 14th– 10 am – 1 pm – Grandparents Day
Wednesday, March 26th – Mite Boxes presented in Chapel

Newsletter For March 10th – 14th

Newsletter For March 10th – 14th

We are getting so excited to celebrate National Lutheran Schools' Week this upcoming week, March 9th - 15th! We will start out on Sunday at church with 1st & 2nd singing in the 8:00 am service, Band A playing at 9:20 am in Concord Hall, and 3rd - 5th singing in...

Memory For March 11th & 13th

Memory For March 11th & 13th

Tuesday, March 11th The First Petition pg. 20 “Hallowed be Thy name. What does this mean? God’s name is certainly holy in itself, but we pray in this petition that it may be kept holy among us also.” Thursday, March 13th The First Petition pg. 20 “How is God’s name...