Newsletter For Nov. 25th – Dec. 6th

November 20, 2024

Have a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving Day! God is so good, and we are so grateful!

We had a great time supporting our classmates in the Spelling Bee today! Nahom and Owen did a great job handling the pressure! Congratulations to our two school winners: William Partridge in the K – 3 Spelling Bee, and Nathan Burnham in the All-school Spelling Bee.

Reading/ Spelling- We will be finished reading Because of Winn Dixie by Kate DiCamillo by Friday, November 21st. We will be reading The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson. We will have a novel workbook, which we will be completing in class. There will be a Final Vocabulary Test for this study. There will not be any final project. We will spell words from the novel for our Spelling Lists in December.

Special Book Report – Each 4th grader is doing a character study of one of the main characters in our current novel Because of Winn-Dixie. The materials needed were sent home in your child’s binder to be completed at home. We will be taking notes as we read in class to be used to complete the project. These notes will also be kept in the binder. The project due date is: Monday, November 25th for presentations to the class. Our second Vocabulary Test over the novel List # 2 will be on Monday, November 25th. Please study the Vocabulary Cards with your child to prepare.

Special Christmas Craft Supplies neededPlease continue saving clean toilet paper tubes and a shoebox for our up-coming project. Each 4th grader will need 7 clean tubes and a empty shoe box by the first week of December to complete the project. We will also be needing wrapping paper tubes and paper towel tubes for a project for 2nd semester.  Thank you for holding on to these items and sending them to school as soon as it is convenient for you – just, don’t throw them away! Thank you!

Memory– We will be reciting the Meaning to the Close of the Commandments on Tuesday, November 25th. We will create the poster to go along with the Memory. The poster is due on Tuesday, December 25th, the same day as the recitation. Christmas Program Parts will be the only Memory for the remainder of this semester. We will begin reciting Memory on both Tuesday and Thursday each week in the 2nd semester. The new Memory Sheet will be coming home before Christmas Break.

Christmas Program Parts have been passed out and are stored in your child’s binder. Students are asked to study their parts for reciting the week after Thanksgiving. Our 1st – 8th grade Christmas Program wil be performed on Thursday, December 19th at 6:30 PM. Put this date on your calendar!

Book-It Please continue recording your child’s minutes of reading outside of school. Be sure you and your child sign the completed calendar. Your child will receive a coupon for a Personal Pan Pizza from Pizza Hut for meeting the 600-minute monthly goal! be coming home in the Thursday folder to be completed and returned by Friday, December 6th.

CHRISTMAS FAMILIES – We are once-again collecting food, household goods, clothing, and gift cards for those less fortunate during the Christmas season. The 4th collection day will be Tuesday, November 26th. The 3rd – 8th Grade are asked to donate a package of toilet paper (2-ply please) Our 5th collection day will be Tuesday, December 3rd- 8th Grade will donate laundry detergent or  dishwasher detergent (fragrance-free and clear). Thursday, DECEMBER 5- December 13 GIFT CARD DAYS: Gift cards are needed for Price Chopper, Hyvee,  Target, Walmart, or Aldis. These stores are located throughout the metro area and work best for families. Please put the amount of the gift card on the back so I can divide them evenly to the families. Thank you.

Social Studies: We began learning about the Northeast (New England States). Each section will give us a good overview of the states within this region. This chapter will give us an overview including the history, important people, the environment, important places, the economy, and the culture of the Northeast states. Those states include: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.

After Thanksgiving break, we will test our knowledge on the states in this region and their capitals. Below is the exact resource I will be using. The maps will be labeled with a number, and the students will write the State and Capital that matches the location on the map. It would be a great resource to print for studying and preparing for the test for each region. When we move on to the next region, we will start with a pretest, and if a student gets 100% on the pretest, then they will not be required to take the final test at the end of the region’s unit. For example, we will do the Northeast region pretest Dec. 2, and the final test for the Northeast region will be in early January.

Newsletter For March 10th – 14th

Newsletter For March 10th – 14th

We are getting so excited to celebrate National Lutheran Schools' Week this upcoming week, March 9th - 15th! We will start out on Sunday at church with 1st & 2nd singing in the 8:00 am service, Band A playing at 9:20 am in Concord Hall, and 3rd - 5th singing in...

Memory For March 11th & 13th

Memory For March 11th & 13th

Tuesday, March 11th The First Petition pg. 20 “Hallowed be Thy name. What does this mean? God’s name is certainly holy in itself, but we pray in this petition that it may be kept holy among us also.” Thursday, March 13th The First Petition pg. 20 “How is God’s name...