Newsletter For December 9th – 13th

December 4, 2024

We’ve got spirit, yes we do! We have had so much fun with our special dress days this week as we have been gearing up for the Milt Brueggeman basketball tournament this weekend!

We look forward to worshipping together this Sunday, December 8th in the Family Life Center! The students are to arrive by 9:15 A.M. and sit with the choir on the stage. Please save a seat next to you because your child will join you once the choir is finished singing.

Grades 1-8 Crown Center performance – December 17 @ 5:30. This is a required performance for all choirs and bands. Please contact your child’s homeroom teacher in case of sickness. All students should wear black pants/skirts and white tops. Girls may wear all-black dresses. There will be no basketball practice this evening.

Grades 1-8 Christmas programDecember 19 @ 6:30. All students should wear their “Christmas best.” This should not include jeans. There will be no basketball practice this evening.

Reading/ Spelling- We have begun enjoying our new novel The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson. There will not be any final project. We are finished spelling words from the novel, and will now study for the Vocabulary Test over these words. The test date will be Tuesday, December 17th.

Special Christmas Craft Supplies neededPlease continue saving clean toilet paper tubes and a shoebox for our up-coming project. Each 4th grader will need 7 clean tubes and a empty shoe box by the first week of December to complete the project. We will also be needing wrapping paper tubes and paper towel tubes for a project for 2nd semester.  Thank you for holding on to these items and sending them to school as soon as it is convenient for you – just, don’t throw them away! Thank you!

Memory– Christmas Program Parts and songs will be the only Memory for the remainder of this semester. We will begin reciting Memory on both Tuesday and Thursday each week in the 2nd semester. The new Memory Sheet will be coming home before Christmas Break.

Christmas Program Parts – Students are asked to continue perfecting their speaking parts. Our 1st – 8th grade Christmas Program wil be performed on Thursday, December 19th at 6:30 PM. Put this date on your calendar!

Holiday Gift Shop– The 4th grade will view the Gift Shop on Thursday, December 12th. Please ask your child for his/her wish list to budget how much money your child will need to purchase items. Place the money in the envelope that is being sent home in the Thursday Folder. Information about the Gift Shop is attached to the envelope. 4th grade will be shopping as a class on Friday, December 13th from 10:40 – 11:20 A.M.

Book-It Please continue recording your child’s minutes of reading outside of school. Be sure you and your child sign the completed calendar. Your child will receive a coupon for a Personal Pan Pizza from Pizza Hut for meeting the 600-minute monthly goal! The January calendar will be coming home in the Thursday folder to be completed and returned by Friday, February 7th.

CHRISTMAS FAMILIES – Thank you for your generosity and for helping us to collect food, household goods, clothing, and gift cards for those less fortunate during the Christmas season! We will still be collecting items until December 13th.

Christmas Party – We will celebrate our Savior’s Birth as a school on Friday, December 20th with an all-school sing-along before returning to our classrooms for our parties. For our Classroom Gift Exchange this year, please allow your child to bring enough of one item to be placed in each of our homemade stockings. We are going to be hanging eleven students’ stockings and one teacher stocking in our classroom from December 9th – 20th. Please send small items such as: trinkets, erasers, new pencils, Bible verses, small treats, etc. Place your child’s eleven or twelve small gifts in a sack or box to be concealed from others. Place your child’s name on a slip of paper inside the container to be delivered to the teacher. The teacher will want to know who is the “secret angel,” but the name of the gift-giver will remain anonymous to the students receiving the gifts. Your child will also receive one of the gifts he/she brings in. Arrangements will be made so that each student will get to help fill each stocking with the gift he/she brought. The students will experience the pure joy in giving to others without expecting to receive any recognition in return.  It would be fun to have at least one “secret angel” place his/her surprises in the stockings on each of the days until Christmas Break!  Please let the teacher know if you have any questions.  Thank you!

Newsletter For March 10th – 14th

Newsletter For March 10th – 14th

We are getting so excited to celebrate National Lutheran Schools' Week this upcoming week, March 9th - 15th! We will start out on Sunday at church with 1st & 2nd singing in the 8:00 am service, Band A playing at 9:20 am in Concord Hall, and 3rd - 5th singing in...

Memory For March 11th & 13th

Memory For March 11th & 13th

Tuesday, March 11th The First Petition pg. 20 “Hallowed be Thy name. What does this mean? God’s name is certainly holy in itself, but we pray in this petition that it may be kept holy among us also.” Thursday, March 13th The First Petition pg. 20 “How is God’s name...