

Spelling For Oct. 7th – 11th

Spelling For Oct. 7th – 11th

services * primaries * consumers * holidays lenses * sandwiches * monkeys * berries counties * taxes * hoaxes * classes gases * viruses * speeches * skies activities colonies galaxies victories Vocabulary Words (Extra Credit Words for Spelling Test) endurance, excel,...

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Newsletter for September 30th – October 4th

Newsletter for September 30th – October 4th

This past Tuesday the fourth graders had so much fun learning about Kansas history on our field trip to the Ernie Miller Nature Center! There we met a French fur trapper and voyageur, a French-Canadian trader, and a pioneer woman who each told their story of the past....

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Spelling for Sept. 30th – Oct. 4th

Spelling for Sept. 30th – Oct. 4th

Unit 1 Week 6 (Review) cries scarier earlier supplies prettiest ability loyalty payment microscopic economic fascinate criticize envelope module survive acquaint virtue campaign appeal remainder misjudge empower encode endangered embed Vocabulary Words (Extra Credit...

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Memory for Oct. 1st & 3rd

Memory for Oct. 1st & 3rd

This Semester Memory will be written and illustrated on Tuesdays and recited on Thursdays of each week.  Page numbers refer to Luther's Small Catechism - copyright - 2017 Tuesday, October 1 & Thursday, October 3 The Fifth Commandment and its meaning p. 14 “You...

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Newsletter For September 23rd – 27th

Newsletter For September 23rd – 27th

Happy 237th Birthday to the Constitution! We celebrated on Monday, September 17th by Zooming with students around the nation. Together we all recited the Pledge of Allegience, sang the Star Spangled Banner, and watched several public service annoncements that were...

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Spelling for September 23rd – 27th

Spelling for September 23rd – 27th

Unit 1 Week 5 (Words with Prefixes)  September 23 - 27 misspell misbehave misplace enlarge enable enclosed empower encourage misquote mishandle enlighten engulf enclosure endangered misjudge misfortune misadventure misunderstand embed encode Vocabulary Words...

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