4-6 School Scoop


The 4-6 School Scoop lets you connect with our late elementary teachers and keeps you informed with what’s going on in fourth, fifth, and sixth grade at Hope.



Chapel- Pastor Mueller led the chapel service, and he began by comparing two Bible events.  The first one was found in Nehemiah in which Ezra was reading the Book of the Law to the Israelites. The second one was when Jesus read in the synagogue in his hometown of...

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12/11/24 Sixth graders led our chapel message teaching us to cast our anxieties on Jesus.  Because Jesus loves us so much, He desires to carry our burdens for us and wants to protect and provide for us.  The students performed two skits to show how much Jesus loves us...

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The 7th grade led us in our chapel today and presented a skit about Martin Luther’s courage at the Diet of Worms.  Martin was asked to recant all of his writings, including the 95 Theses.  Luther refused to go against his conscience and did not take any of...

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4th – 6th Grade Scoop   10/16/24

4th – 6th Grade Scoop 10/16/24

This week’s chapel was led by Pastor Jacob.  He reminded us that we will be celebrating Reformation Day on October 31st to commemorate the day that Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the castle church in Wittenberg, Germany.  Luther wrote 95...

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4 – 6 Scoop

9/11/24 This week’s chapel was led by Pastor Ada who is an Associate Pastor serving Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church in Olathe.  He showed us several items from his backpack that run on the power of batteries.  He used a voltage meter to test a battery and measure the...

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