First Grade News 9/5

September 4, 2024

Dear Parents,

Week at a Glance

This week for memory we learned the second commandment. Our language lessons are on short vowel sounds and long vowel teams. In reading we are learning about realistic fiction and the short “i” sound. This week in math we are finishing our lessons on addition within ten and are learning more addition strategies with addition greater than ten. In handwriting we are practicing writing tall and short letters. In social studies we are learning about rules. During science we are studying light and shadows. Our religion lessons this week are about Jacob and how God guided him.


September 6th – All Pro Dads 7:30 am

September 14th – Fall Carnival and Pie Auction 6-8 pm

September 16th – PTL Meeting

September 19th – Early Dismissal, Parent Teacher Conferences

September 20th – No School, Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher conferences will take place on September 19th and 20th. This is an important time to connect and discuss goals for your child during their first grade year. Please sign up for a time to meet at the following link: Conference Sign Ups

Fall Carnival and Pie Auction

Please join us on September 14th at Hope for our Fall Carnival and Pie Auction! It is a great way to support the school and spend time with family. There will be both free activities and activities for a cost. The Pie Auction will take place at 7 pm. Please consider making a pie to donate! You can sign up to donate a pie here: Pie Auction Sign Up

All Pro Dads

The All Pro Dads meeting will be on Friday, September 6th at 7:30 am. Breakfast is provided along with a short presentation on a lesson topic. It is a great way to spend time with your child. Please consider attending with your student! There is no cost to this meeting.








They have met my new pet.


“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.” – The Third Commandment

Miss Hannah Christian

First Grade News 2/20

First Grade News 2/20

Dear Parents, Week at a GlanceThis week we are writing the letter "m" in handwriting. We are learning about suffixes and root words in language. In religion we are learning more about Jesus' ministry. During math we are learning strategies to add one-digit and...

Memory 2/20

Memory 2/20

“Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.” – Matthew 6:8