First Grade News 9/19

September 18, 2024

Dear Parents,

Week at a Glance

This week we finished our social studies unit on families and places people live. In handwriting we are writing numbers to ten. During religion we are learning about the history of the Israelites in the time of Moses. For memory we practiced the fourth commandment and how God wants us to honor our parents. Our reading lessons are about alliteration with sounds “f”, “g”, and “b” and our informational stories are about traffic signals. In science we are finishing our unit on types of energy and reviewing what we have learned about light, heat, and sound. During language we are working on consonant digraphs as well as singular and plural nouns. This week in math we are finishing our unit on addition strategies and are beginning a new unit on subtracting numbers to 6.


September 19th – Early Dismissal, Parent Teacher Conferences

September 20th – No School, Parent Teacher Conferences

September 26th – Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night at Oak Park Mall

October 3rd – School Pictures

Parent Teacher Conferences

I look forward to meeting with you for parent teacher conferences this week! Conferences will be held in the first grade classroom. Please wait outside the classroom if the door is closed and another conference is in session. Thursday folders will go home at conferences.

Chick fil A Spirit Night

Hope is hosting a Spirit Night at the Chick fil A in Oak Park Mall from 4-8 pm on Thursday, September 26th. Please stop by to enjoy some dinner and support Hope!

School Pictures

School Picture Day at Hope is on October 3rd.








I will go to the park for a bit.


“You shall not murder.” – The Fifth Commandment

Miss Hannah Christian

First Grade News 2/20

First Grade News 2/20

Dear Parents, Week at a GlanceThis week we are writing the letter "m" in handwriting. We are learning about suffixes and root words in language. In religion we are learning more about Jesus' ministry. During math we are learning strategies to add one-digit and...

Memory 2/20

Memory 2/20

“Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.” – Matthew 6:8