First Grade News 9/26

September 25, 2024

Dear Parents,
Week at a Glance
This week in first grade we are learning the fifth commandment for memory. In religion we are learning about Moses and the Exodus. In science we are beginning a new unit on plant and animal traits. In social studies we are beginning a new unit on community and government. In math we are practicing subtraction within ten. During reading time we are working on the short “o” sound. Our handwriting practice this week is writing numbers to 15. In Language class we are learning to write sentences beginning with a capital letter.

September 26 – Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night

October 3 – School Pictures

October 4 – All Pro Dads

October 14-15 Lutheran Teacher Conference NO SCHOOL

October 18 – Early Dismissal, No Extended Care

October 25 – Trunk or Treat Night

All Pro Dads

All Pro Dads will be meeting on Friday, October 4th at 7:30 am. You are invited to have breakfast with your child and listen to a short program before the school day begins.

Jackets and Sweatshirts
Students may wear Hope sweatshirts or uniform sweatshirts in the classroom if they are cold. They may wish to bring a jacket for recess when the weather is cool in the mornings. Students must have a jacket to go outside when the temperature is 50 degrees or below.

Water Bottles
Please continue to send your child with a water bottle to stay hydrated during the school day.

Spirit Night
Hope is hosting a Spirit Night at the Chick fil A in Oak Park Mall from 4-8 pm on Thursday, September 26th. Please stop by to enjoy some dinner and support Hope!

School Pictures
School picture day is Thursday, October 3rd. If students choose to wear a dress shirt or a school appropriate dress for pictures they must have a uniform to change into after. Shoes must still be close toed.







I stop at the first step.

“You shall not commit adultery.” – The Sixth Commandment

Miss Hannah Christian

First Grade News 2/20

First Grade News 2/20

Dear Parents, Week at a GlanceThis week we are writing the letter "m" in handwriting. We are learning about suffixes and root words in language. In religion we are learning more about Jesus' ministry. During math we are learning strategies to add one-digit and...

Memory 2/20

Memory 2/20

“Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.” – Matthew 6:8