First Grade News 10/24

October 23, 2024

Dear Parents,

Week at a Glance
This week in religion we are learning about Martin Luther and the Reformation. For memory we are learning the ninth commandment which instructs us not to be jealous of what others have. In handwriting we are working on the letter “Tt” as well as writing question marks and exclamation points. In language we are working on alphabet order and compound words. Our math lessons this week are on ordering objects by length and measuring. In reading we are working on the consonant sounds “v”, “y”, and “z”. This week in science we are learning about plant life cycles and observing traits that plants have. During social studies we are learning about community helpers.

October 25 – Trunk-or-Treat

November 1 – Field Trip

November 1 – All Pro Dads

November 9 – PAHS Auction

November 10 – 1-2 Choir sings at 10:30 Service

The weather is beginning to get chilly as we near the end of October. Please make sure you send your child to school with a jacket every day. Morning recess is often colder than the maximum temperature for the day. Additionally your student may bring a uniform sweater or Hope sweatshirt to wear in the classroom if they are cold throughout the day. When the temperature is below 50 degrees students must have an extra layer to help them stay warm.

Please make sure your child is returning their school library book back to school by Tuesday of each week.


Hope will host a Trunk or Treat event on Friday, October 25th from 5:30-7:00 pm. There is no cost to this event.

Field Trip
First Grade has a field trip on Friday, November 1st. Your child must bring a sack lunch that day as school lunch will not be an option. All students must bring a booster seat in order to attend the field trip.

All Pro Dads
The All Pro Dads meeting will be on Friday, November 1st at 7:30 am. Breakfast is provided along with a short presentation on a lesson topic. It is a great way to spend time with your child. Please consider attending with your student! There is no cost to this meeting.

PAHS Auction

The Parent’s Auction for Hope School will take place on November 9th beginning at 4 pm in the Family Life Center.

Parent’s Auction for Hope School Student’s Raffle

    This year we are involving the students in the auction. We will have a student raffle. Each student has 2 raffle tickets automatically. They can purchase additional raffle tickets for $1 each. Raffle ticket money can be turned in from October 25th through November 1st . The week of the auction, each class will come down and put their tickets in the box for the item they like. Then, Mrs. Jankowski will draw for the winners.

    Here are the items in the raffle:

    • art easel
    • Pokemon tin
    • gum ball candy jar
    • light up frisbee
    • fairy finder
    • Buzz Lightyear truck
    • kids baking set (apron and such)
    • hot cocoa bomb set
    • Money tree
    • Lululemon belt bag

    As in any raffle, purchase of a ticket does not guarantee winning and chances of winning are related to the number of entries.

    1-2 Choir

    The first and second grade choir will sing at Hope’s 10:30 am service on November 10th. Participation in this is part of your student’s choir grade. If your child cannot attend please send me an email.

    I held a blue and black toy.

    “You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.” The Tenth Commandment

    Miss Hannah Christian

    First Grade News 3/6

    First Grade News 3/6

    Dear Parents, Week at a Glance This week in handwriting we are writing rhyming words. During language class we are writing the months of the year and writing complete sentences from prompts. In religion class we are learning about Jesus' parables and Ash Wednesday. In...