Dear Parents,
Week at a Glance
This week in math we started a new unit on subtraction facts to 20. In reading we are learning about subject-verb agreement. We are learning about Epiphany and the early life of Jesus during religion. In social studies we are beginning a new unit on land, landforms, and map skills. In science we are learning about how groups of living things can be different. We are practicing writing a letter in handwriting. Please note that due to the snow days our spelling and memory tests will take place this Friday to allow for practice and review.
January 11 – OPEN HOUSE 9-Noon
January 16 – Parent/ Teacher Conferences – Early Dismissal 12 pm
January 17 – Parent/Teacher Conferences NO SCHOOL
January 20 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day NO SCHOOL
January 31 – Field Trip
Parent Teacher Conferences
Thank you to everyone who has signed up for parent-teacher conferences. Please review the available times and sign up for a conference no later than Tuesday, January 14th. Parent-teacher conferences provide an opportunity to connect about progress thus far as well as establishing goals for the rest of the first grade. Please click the following link to sign up: First Grade Conference Sign-Ups.
Open House
Hope is hosting an open house on Saturday, January 11th from 9 am to noon. Please invite friends or neighbors who might want to learn more about Lutheran education to stop by during that time.
Memory Tests
Our memory assignments will be getting longer throughout this semester. Please have your student practice their memory verse at home throughout the week so they are prepared for memory tests each Wednesday.
Cleaning Wipes
Our class supply of cleaning wipes is getting low. If you are able to please send in a container of Clorox wipes to help our classroom stay clean and healthy. Anything is appreciated!
Field Trip Permission Slips
Permission slips will be going home in Thursday folders today for our January 31st field trip to the Coterie theatre. Please sign the permission slip and return to school no later than Thursday, January 16th. Please indicate whether you are able to drive for the field trip and how many students you would be able to take. I assign drivers on a first come first served basis. If you are the parent who is intending to drive, please note on the form or send me an email so I know who will be driving.
Please check the box.
“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are Mine.” Isaiah 43:1
Miss Hannah Christian