First Grade News 1/16

January 15, 2025

Dear Parents,

Week at a Glance

This week in math we are subtracting numbers to twenty and practicing subtraction strategies. In social studies we are learning about our land and how God wants us to care for it. In handwriting we are practicing the letter “u”. During our language class we are learning about compound words, rhyming words, and color words. We are learning about Jesus’ baptism and temptation in religion. Our reading lessons are about the “s” sound spelled “c” and the “j” sound spelled “g”. In science we are learning about different kinds of animals and reviewing for our unit test.


January 16 – Parent/ Teacher Conferences – Early Dismissal 12 pm

January 17 – Parent/Teacher Conferences  NO SCHOOL

January 20 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day  NO SCHOOL

January 21 Non-Uniform Day ($2 for non-uniform +$1 for hat)

January 31 – Field Trip

Memory Tests

Our memory assignments will be getting longer throughout this semester. Please have your student practice their memory verse at home throughout the week so they are prepared for memory tests each Wednesday. This week the students are learning the Lord’s Prayer.

Cleaning Wipes

Our class supply of cleaning wipes is getting low. If you are able to please send in a container of Clorox wipes to help our classroom stay clean and healthy. Anything is appreciated!

Early Dismissal

Hope will have early dismissal on Wednesday, February 5th. First grade begins dismissal at 11:30 am. Extended Care will be available.

International Fair

Information regarding our International Fair projects will be coming soon.








Do you see the whale?


Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be Thy Name,

Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses

as we forgive those who trespass against us;

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory

forever and ever. Amen.

Miss Hannah Christian

First Grade News 2/20

First Grade News 2/20

Dear Parents, Week at a GlanceThis week we are writing the letter "m" in handwriting. We are learning about suffixes and root words in language. In religion we are learning more about Jesus' ministry. During math we are learning strategies to add one-digit and...

Memory 2/20

Memory 2/20

“Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.” – Matthew 6:8