Week at a Glance
This week in religion we learned about Jesus’ earthly ministry including the Sermon on the Mount. For memory we learned Matthew 6:8 which tells of God’s provision for His people. In social studies we are finishing our unit on land. In science we are learning about how corn grows. During math we are practicing strategies to add two digit numbers together. During our reading lessons we are learning about the sounds “-nk” and “-ng”. In language we are writing complete sentences from a phrase prompt. In handwriting we are practicing letters “r”, “n”, “m”, and “h”.
March 5 – Ash Wednesday Chapel
March 7 – End of 3rd Quarter (45.5 days), Early Dismissal 12 pm, No extended care
March 10-14 – National Lutheran School Week
March 14 – Grandparents Day, Early Dismissal 12 pm, No extended care
March 17-21 – Spring Break
Ash Wednesday Chapel
As part of this service on Wednesday, March 5th, the children may participate in the imposition of ashes. If you do not want your child to participate, please let his/her teacher know. The children do not have to participate if they do not wish to. If you have any questions, please get in touch with the school office. Chapel service will be held in the sanctuary. Parents are welcome to attend.
Mite Boxes
Don’t forget to be putting your coins in your Mite Boxes! We are encouraging all children at Hope Lutheran School to fill their Mite Box and bring it back on March 26th for chapel.
The best way to fill the mite box is to put your loose change from the car or have the children put in a penny a day. Thank you for supporting the LWML.
Book Fair
Hope will be hosting a Book Fair during National Lutheran Schools Week (March 9-14).
The book fair will be open during the following times:
Sunday, March 9th- 9-11 am
Monday, March 10th – 8-9 am
Tuesday, March 11th – 11 – noon, 4 – 5 pm
Wednesday, March 12th – 3-4pm
Thursday, March 13th- 12-3pm
Friday, March 14th- 10 am – 1 pm – Grandparents Day
First Grade will be going to the book fair as a class on Wednesday, March 12th. If you would like to send your student in with money for the book fair they must have it by March 12th. We are only going as a class on that day.
Grandparents’ Day
Hope will celebrate Grandparents/Very Special Person day on Friday, March 14th. Please RSVP for this event for planning purposes.
Choir Church Performance
The students will be singing at Hope’s 8:00 am and 10:30 am church services on Sunday, March 9th. Participation in this performance is part of your child’s choir grade. If your child is unable to attend please email in advance.
Please continue to send your student to school with a sweater, Hope sweatshirt, or light jacket. The weather is still cool during morning recess and the classroom temperature can vary throughout the day.
Water Bottles
Please continue to send your student to school with a water bottle. This helps them stay hydrated and focused throughout the school day.
We will go there now.
“The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, and rich in love.” Psalm 145:8
Miss Hannah Christian