Dear Parents,
Week at a Glance
This week in math we are working on solving subtraction problems with multiple steps. In language we are working on compound words and writing days of the week. In handwriting we are working on the letter “b”. During religion we are studying Jesus’ early ministry. For memory we learned the Lord’s Prayer. In reading we are beginning a new unit on fictional stories. We are finishing our science unit on plant and animal life cycles. In social studies we are learning about continents and oceans.
January 31 – Field Trip
Cold Weather
Please remember to send your child to school with an appropriate winter jacket for the cold weather that has been happening lately. Students may also bring gloves and hats to help them stay warm during outside recess. Students are encouraged to bring a uniform sweater or Hope sweatshirt to wear in the classroom throughout they day if they are cold inside.
Field Trip
First grade will be going on a field trip to the Coterie Theatre on Friday, January 31st. Students must bring a booster seat in order to attend.
Open House
Hope will host an Open House on Thursday, February 6th from 6-7:30 pm. Please consider attending to visit your child’s classroom for the next year and learn about the routines and expectations after first grade.
Memory Tests
Our memory assignments will be getting longer throughout this semester. Please have your student practice their memory verse at home throughout the week so they are prepared for memory tests each Wednesday. This week the students are learning the first article of the Apostle’s Creed.
Tissues and Cleaning Wipes
Our class supply of tissues and cleaning wipes are getting low. If you are able to please send in a box of tissues and/or container of Clorox wipes to help our classroom stay clean and healthy. Anything is appreciated!
Early Dismissal
Hope will have early dismissal on Wednesday, February 5th. First grade early dismissal begins at 11:30 am. Extended care will be available. Please plan accordingly.
The rose is a pretty flower.
Memory – The First Article of the Apostle’s Creed
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. The First Article
Miss Hannah Christian