First Grade News 2/6

February 5, 2025

Dear Parents,

Week at a Glance
This week in religion we are learning about Jesus’ miracles. The class memorized the second article of the Apostles’ Creed which discusses Jesus’ life and work as the Son of God. In math we are learning about picture graphs and tally charts as methods to organize information. During language we are working with opposite words and adding suffixes. For reading we are learning about the long “e” sound and how it can be spelled in several different ways. In social studies we are learning about continents and oceans. During science we are learning about patterns of day and night.

February 6 Open House 6:00 – 7:30 pm
February 17 NO SCHOOL President’s Day
February 20 Hawaiian Bros
February 26 Geography Bee

Open House
Hope will have an Open House on Thursday, February 6th from 6-7 pm. You are invited to visit and see your child’s classroom and curriculum for next year!

Valentine’s Day
We will celebrate Valentine’s Day on Friday, February 14th with a class party. Students have the option to decorate a shoebox at home to hold their valentines. If students bring in valentines they must bring one for each child in the class.

Permission Slip
A permission slip is going home today in Thursday folders. Please sign the permission slip and return it back to school in your student’s binder. Please indicate whether or not you are able to drive for the field trip.

Geography Bee
Hope’s Geography Bee will be Wednesday, February 26th.

Please remind your student to keep track of their school library book and return it to school each week by Thursday. If their book is not returned they will not be permitted to check out a new book.

Please continue to send your child to school with a jacket. The temperature for morning recess is often colder than the maximum temperature for the day.

Students must wear socks to school every day. Students may wear solid white, navy, black, red, light blue, or tan socks. With the exception of fun socks on Friday, students should not wear patterned socks or socks with designs on them.

Can she help them?

Memory – The Third Article of the Apostles’ Creed
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

Miss Hannah Christian

First Grade News 2/20

First Grade News 2/20

Dear Parents, Week at a GlanceThis week we are writing the letter "m" in handwriting. We are learning about suffixes and root words in language. In religion we are learning more about Jesus' ministry. During math we are learning strategies to add one-digit and...

Memory 2/20

Memory 2/20

“Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.” – Matthew 6:8