Dear Parents,
Week at a Glance
This week in handwriting we are writing rhyming words. During language class we are writing the months of the year and writing complete sentences from prompts. In religion class we are learning about Jesus’ parables and Ash Wednesday. In math we are learning about adding and subtracting two digit numbers. In reading we are learning about rhyming words and reading books by Dr. Seuss. This week in science we are learning about how corn grows. During social studies we are beginning a new unit on American history.
March 7 – End of 3rd Quarter (45.5 days), Early Dismissal 12 pm, No extended care
March 10-14 – National Lutheran School Week
March 14 – Grandparents Day, Early Dismissal 12 pm, No extended care
March 17-21 – Spring Break
End of Third Quarter
The end of third quarter is Friday, March 7th. Report cards will go home in Thursday folders on Thursday, March 13th.
Grandparents’/Very Special Person Day
Hope will celebrate Grandparents/Very Special Person day on Friday, March 14th. Please RSVP for this event for planning purposes.
Book Fair
Hope will be hosting a Book Fair during National Lutheran Schools Week (March 9-14).
The book fair will be open during the following times:
Sunday, March 9th- 9-11 am
Monday, March 10th – 8-9 am
Tuesday, March 11th – 11 – noon, 4 – 5 pm
Wednesday, March 12th – 3-4pm
Thursday, March 13th- 12-3pm
Friday, March 14th- 10 am – 1 pm – Grandparents Day
First Grade will be going to the book fair as a class on Wednesday, March 12th. If you would like to send your student in with money for the book fair they must have it by March 12th. We are only going as a class on that day.
Mite Boxes
Don’t forget to be putting your coins in your Mite Boxes! We are encouraging all children at Hope Lutheran School to fill their Mite Box and bring it back on March 26th for chapel.
The best way to fill the mite box is to put your loose change from the car or have the children put in a penny a day. Thank you for supporting the LWML.
Choirs Sing
The 1-2 grade choir will sing at Hope’s 8:00 am service on Sunday, March 9th. Participation in this performance is part of your child’s choir grade. If your child is unable to attend please email in advance.
National Lutheran Schools Week
Hope will celebrate National Lutheran Schools Week from March 9th-14th. We will celebrate with devotions and dress up days as we reflect on what it means to “Endure.” Please see the attached flyer for information on dress up days and schedule information.
Spring Break
Hope’s spring break is the week of March 17th-21st. We pray that you have a blessed break!
Bring me that pink book.
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105
Miss Hannah Christian