Newsletter – October 26th

October 25, 2023

Dear Parents,

Week at a Glance
We are learning about how Israel went from having judges to kings as their leaders in religion class. Our memory for this week is the ninth commandment. We discussed how coveting is similar to jealousy. We are practicing one-syllable words that end in “-ck” or began with “w”. We are practicing music for Christmas and “America the Beautiful” for Veteran’s Day in our choir rehearsals. Our reading lessons are on words beginning with the consonants “Dd”, “Ll”, and “Hh”. We began a new unit in science and are studying plants and animals. We are learning about American heroes in social studies. Our handwriting lesson this week is on writing two-digit numbers with precision. We are writing more during language and are learning to correct sentences using capitalization and punctuation. This week in math we are reviewing prior knowledge about subtraction.


October 26 – Chick-fil-a Spirit Night 4-9 pm @ Oak Park Mall Store

October 27 – Trunk or Treat at Hope 5:30-7:00 pm

October 31 – Reformation Day

November 3 – All Pro Dads 7:15 am

November 4 – PAHS Auction

November 10 – Veteran’s Day Program

November 14 – Coterie Field Trip

Report Cards
Your student’s report card for the first quarter will go home Thursday, October 26th. Please check your child’s Thursday folder. You will need to sign the report card envelope and send the envelope back to school.

Thursday Folders
Please check your child’s Thursday folder each week for their graded work and announcements from the office. Please indicate your child’s Church and Sunday School attendance on the Thursday folder. Thursday folders must be returned by Monday.

Cold Weather
The weather is getting colder as we progress into autumn! Please ensure your child is appropriately dressed for the day. Your child should bring a warm enough jacket for outdoor recess. Sweaters work well for the classroom but are not sufficient for weather below 50 degrees.

Reformation Day
Students may wear fall colors or October t-shirts with uniform bottoms on Tuesday, October 31st, to celebrate Reformation Day.  No Halloween t-shirts! 


The Parents Auction for Hope School is coming up quickly on November 4th. This is a no child event. Please considering attending to bid on an auction item to support our school. We have baskets, packages provided by the teachers, and other items to bid on at the auction. The doors will open at 4 pm. Bidding will begin at 5 pm. Dinner will be served starting at 5:45 pm. The live auction will begin at 7 pm following the silent auction.

All Pro Dads

Hope’s All Pro Dad’s group will be meeting at 7:15 am on Friday, November 3rd. This is a wonderful opportunity to spend quality time with your child and enjoy fellowship with other dads from the school. The meeting will consist of a breakfast and devotion. Please consider attending this event!

Trunk or Treat
Hope will be hosting Trunk or Treat this Friday, October 27th from 5:30-7:00 pm. You are invited to bring a friend or neighbor to this fun event! We hope to see you there!

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child is in progress. The boxes will be collected during chapel on Wednesday, November 8th.  Shoeboxes are available at the school entrance and the church narthex. Please consider donating items for an Operation Christmas Child shoebox with your family!

Lunch Drinks

Students should not bring sugary drinks or mix-in drink packets to school. Students will be asked to keep these items in their lunchbox or backpack.

I held a blue and black toy.

“You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.” The Tenth Commandment

Miss Hannah Christian

Required Summer Reading

Required Summer Reading

Dear Parents, It has been a joy and a blessing to have your children in my class this year! I pray that they continue in their faith and love of learning. Please review the required summer reading list below. Your students should read the books under the list that...

Newsletter – May 16th

Newsletter – May 16th

Dear Parents, Week at a Glance This week in handwriting we are practicing the letter "q". In language we are writing sentences from prompts and sequencing words in ABC order. During religion class we are learning about Paul's missionary journeys. For memory we learned...