Newsletter – March 21st

March 20, 2024

Dear Parents,

Week at a Glance

This week in handwriting we are practicing the letter “C”. In language we are learning about subject-verb agreement. In religion this week we are learning how to use hymnals for chapel and learning about Holy Week. For memory we learned Psalm 119:105 which tells how God’s Word leads us through life. Our math lessons this week are on ordering and comparing numbers. In choir we are learning about musical phrases. In science we are continuing our study of seasons and preparing for the science fair. Our social studies lessons this week are focused on barter and money.


March 21 – Report Cards go home

March 25 – Culver’s Spirit Night 

March 28 – STUCO Non-Uniform Day

March 29 / April 1 – No School 

March 30 – Easter Fair 9-10 am at Hope

April 8th – 12th – Read-a-thon

Report Cards

Report cards for the 3rd quarter will go home today. Please sign and return the report card envelope this Friday, March 22nd.

Cleaning Wipes and Tissues

Our class supply of tissues and Clorox wipes is getting low as we approach the end of the year. If you are able to please send in tissue boxes and a container of Clorox wipes to help our classroom stay clean and healthy. Anything is appreciated!

Holy Week Church Services

You are invited to join us for Holy Week services at Hope!

  • Palm Sunday – 8:00 and 10:30 a.m.
  • Maundy Thursday – 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
  • Good Friday – 5:30 p.m. and 7:15 p.m.
  • Easter Sunday – 8:00 and 10:30 Worship. 9:00 Pancake Breakfast

Holy Week Schedule

Chapel this week will take place on Maundy Thursday instead of Wednesday. There will be no school on Friday, March 29th, in observance of Good Friday. There will also be no school on Easter Monday, April 1st.

Please join us for Hope’s Easter Fair on Saturday, March 30th from 9-10 am!

Non-Uniform Day

Flyers are going home in Thursday folders today for the non-uniform day on March 28th. Please review this flyer for more information about this event!

Field Trip

Permission slips are going home today for our field trip on April 16th. Please sign and return by Thursday, March 28th.

Science Fair

Your students should continue working on their science fair projects.

Tri-boards for science fair presentations are available for purchase through the school office. The boards are $6.00 for 2nd-8th grade and $3.00 for Kindergarten and 1st grade. Students must purchase their tri-boards through the school. You can purchase the boards by sending money to the school office along with your student’s name.

Talent Show

Hope’s talent show will take place on April 23rd. Forms will go home after Easter break. More information will be coming soon.

Spring Play

You are invited to the spring play on April 18th. The performances are at 4:30 pm and 7:30 pm. There will be dinner served in between the performances.


Your student should continue to bring a warm jacket for morning recess. Please make sure your child brings a jacket suitable for the coldest part of the day.


Hope Lutheran School has decided to hold a Read-a-Thon this year!

Read-A-Thons actually get your reader excited about reading and it gives friends and family the opportunity to encourage your child to read even more.

Our Read-A-Thon starts Monday April 8, 2024.

About one week before our Read-A-Thon starts we will send home instructions on how to activate your reader’s personal page. This is where you will be able to view and record their progress.

We encourage you to activate your reader’s account today by clicking on and following the simple instructions.

We’ve chosen Read-A-Thon because it will not take much of your time, gives your child a reason to read and helps in the development of stronger reading skills.

We hope everyone participates.

Thank you so much!


We can walk around the rink.


Luther’s Morning Prayer

I thank You, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray that You would keep me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings and life may please You. For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.

Miss Hannah Christian

Required Summer Reading

Required Summer Reading

Dear Parents, It has been a joy and a blessing to have your children in my class this year! I pray that they continue in their faith and love of learning. Please review the required summer reading list below. Your students should read the books under the list that...

Newsletter – May 16th

Newsletter – May 16th

Dear Parents, Week at a Glance This week in handwriting we are practicing the letter "q". In language we are writing sentences from prompts and sequencing words in ABC order. During religion class we are learning about Paul's missionary journeys. For memory we learned...