Newsletter – April 4th

April 3, 2024

Dear Parents,

Week at a Glance

This week in religion we are learning about the events that took place after Easter. For memory we learned Matthew 28:20 which tells us of Jesus’ assurance that He is with us always. In math we are learning about tally charts and creating graphs of information. Our reading lessons are about the “s” sound spelled “c” and the “j” sound spelled “g”. In language we are developing independence with writing sentences and checking for proper punctuation and capitalization. In choir we are learning music for Fine Arts Night. This week’s handwriting lesson is on writing the letter “f”. In science we are researching and taking notes for our science fair topics. In social studies we are learning about how producers, sellers, and buyers work together in the economy.


April 5 – All Pro Dad’s 7:15 am

April 8th – 12th – Read-A-Thon

April 9th – 8th Grade Bake Sale

April 14th – K-2 Choir Sings at 10:30 am service

April 16th – Field Trip

April 12th – Movie Night

April 16th – Faith at Work

April 19th – Donuts with Dad

April 25 – Class Pictures

April 26 – Official Snow Make-Up Day


Hope Lutheran School families, we are holding a Read-A-Thon and we really need everyone to participate. If you have not already done so, please click on this link to activate your reader’s personal page:

Activation takes less than a minute. Just by doing so you can help us meet our fundraising goal.

Thanks so much!

8th Grade Bake Sale

The 8th grade class is hosting a bake sale during lunch on April 9th to support their beehive project. All bake sale items will be $1.00. Your child is welcome to bring money to help support this fundraiser.
All School Reading Days

Friday, April 5th – Start our read-a-thon theme days. Read with a Stuffed Animal or Pillow at 2:10 pm. No large stuffies, please.

Monday, April 8th – Pajama and Reading Party at 2:10 pm.  Homeroom Teacher reads to the class. 

Tuesday, April 9th – Read with a classroom friend at 2:10 pm. LCC Comfort Dogs will be on campus, a brief presentation at 9 am in Concord Hall, each class will have a designated time to read with the dogs. 

Wednesday, April 10th – Read with a lollipop (Mrs. Jankowski will provide) at 2:10 pm. 

Thursday, April 11th –  Read with your Buddies at 10 am – Shawnee Police Department will come read to all grades starting at 12:30 p.m. 

Friday, April 12th – Dress up as your favorite book character. Read outside; if it rains, read in Concord Hall or FLC at 2:10 pm. 

Science Fair

Please make sure you have purchased a tri-board from the school office. These should be purchased by the end of this week.

Tri-boards for science fair presentations are available for purchase through the school office. The boards are $6.00 for 2nd-8th grade and $3.00 for Kindergarten and 1st grade. Students must purchase their tri-boards through the school. You can purchase the boards by sending money to the school office along with your student’s name.

Please make sure your students are recording their experiment process and observations. These observations are an essential part of the science fair. This includes measuring data in graphs or charts and recording progress through photos or by drawing pictures.

Singing at Church

The K-2 choir will be singing at Hope’s 10:30 am service on April 14th. Students will sit with their parents before and after singing. Students should arrive by 10:15 to check in with their teacher.

Field Trip

First grade is going on a field trip on April 16th. Thank you to everyone who has turned in permission slips for their students!

Talent Show

Hope’s talent show will take place on April 23rd. There are forms going home today in Thursday folders if your student would like to perform in the talent show. These forms are due back on to school by April 16th.

Spring Play

You are invited to the spring play on April 18th. The performances are at 4:30 pm and 7:30 pm. There will be dinner served in between the performances.

Movie Night

Hope is hosting an outdoor movie night on April 12th beginning at 8:30 pm. You are invited to attend! Please bring a chair and a jacket in case the weather is cold.







Can you always see a star?

Memory – Luther’s Evening Prayer

I thank You, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have graciously kept me this day; and I pray that You would forgive me all my sins where I have done wrong, and graciously keep me this night. For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.

Miss Christian

Required Summer Reading

Required Summer Reading

Dear Parents, It has been a joy and a blessing to have your children in my class this year! I pray that they continue in their faith and love of learning. Please review the required summer reading list below. Your students should read the books under the list that...

Newsletter – May 16th

Newsletter – May 16th

Dear Parents, Week at a Glance This week in handwriting we are practicing the letter "q". In language we are writing sentences from prompts and sequencing words in ABC order. During religion class we are learning about Paul's missionary journeys. For memory we learned...